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Tragedia na Przełęczy Diatłowa (1 luty 1959 r.)

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The prosecutor's office in Moscow sends two letters dated 11 and 15 May 1959 to the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, Nikolay Ivanovich Klinov requesting progress update from the investigation lead by Lev Nikitich Ivanov.


Klinov should have ordered Ivanov to respond but there is no answer.
























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18 May - 59 years to the day
Lev Ivanov, lead investigator of Dyatlov case, decides on this date to order a physical and technical expertise on the radioactive contamination of the clothing and parts of bodies of the deceased tourists.
Resolution for radiation contamination testing
Ivanov appoints the chief radiologist of Sverdlovsk Levashov to conduct the tests.
All clothing of Semyon Zolotaryov, Lyudmila Dubinina, Aleksander Kolevatov and Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolle, as well as parts of their bodies were sent for testing.
Radiometric measurements were carried out with the help of the Tiss device without ashing in a lead house with cassette counters STS-6 in number of 4 pieces.
"Tiss" universal device
"Tiss" universal device, measures alpha with an energy of radiation more than 3 MeV, beta and gamma with an energy of radiation more than 0.600 MeV.
Measuring range: 2 - 700 rpm * cm2.
Тhe device is measuring the contamination of clothing, hands and work surfaces with alpha or beta-active substances, receives a signal that the amount of contamination exceeds the permissible level, the value of which can be set by the operator.
Later, with radiometric measurements without ashing in a lead house with cassette counters STS-6 in the amount of 4 pieces, maximum contamination was established in some sections.
Basic technical specification: The device is designed to work in the temperature range of ambient air from +5 to +35 ° C and relative humidity up to 85% (at + 20°C) Power - from the AC 110/127/220 V network with a frequency of 50 Hz.
According to the direct-reading device, it is possible to measure the average pulse arrival rate in the range of 60-100 000 cpm.
The entire range is divided into 6 subbands: 300 pulses / min - 100 000 imp / min. The TU block has a working surface of 150 cm2.
The device's own background is 20 pulses/min.
With the TI block it is possible to work in gamma fields with an intensity of not more than 500 micro/sec.
The block is sensitive to magnetic fields.
The instrument measures contamination of surfaces with beta-active substances complete with a block of PM.
The working surface of the sensor is 130 cm2.
The measuring range is up to 100 000 rpm.
The device provides automatic compensation of the external gamma background, provided that the background value does not exceed the nominal value of the scale at which the measurements are made.
The studies were performed in Sverdlovsk radiological laboratory from 18 - 25 May 59.


















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Please help Keith McCloskey with fundraising for the Dyatlov Foundation to reopen the case!



"Can you please help us to raise the necessary funds to officially reopen the Dyatlov case in Russia.

The Dyatlov Foundation has raised one third of what we need and we need another £1,600 to pay the legal fees and taxes involved.

A loophole has been found in the regulations concerning reopening closed cases and with the aid of the descendants of Rustem Slobodin and Yura Doroshenko,the foundation will be working with highly experienced and respected Kemerovo prosecutor Leonid Georgievich Proshkin.

Leonid Georgievich is well acquainted with the Russian Prosecutor General and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee.

The path that will be taken to reopen the case is the rights of the victims to a comprehensive and objective investigation of the case for which there is no legal obstacle.

If you can spare anything, even the price of a drink,it will help us to get this case reopened and properly investigated this time,we hope with a definitive answer as to what happened to the nine members of the Dyatlov Group and get justice for them.

We have a deadline to meet of August 1st this year in order for the investigation to be reopened,investigated and again we hope to have the results ready for the Dyatlov Foundation Conference in Ekaterinburg on the 60th anniversary of their deaths in February 2019.

We are extremely grateful to anyone who can help - Thank You."




















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Тайна перевала Дятлова: ДНК-экспертиза отрицает родство предполагаемого Семена Золотарева с его племянницей

«Комсомольская правда» и Первый канал озвучили сенсационные результаты генетического анализа.
Попробуем их осмыслить
inx960x640.jpgСемен Золотарев в походе.



Зимой 1959 года на севере Свердловской области пропали девять туристов, отправившиеся в поход под руководством выпускника Уральского политехнического института Игоря Дятлова.


Следствие установило, что среди ночи они по неясным причинам разрезали палатку и убежали в лес без верхней одежды и обуви.


Шестеро умерли от переохлаждения, а у троих обнаружили смертельные травмы.


Причины трагедии так и не были выяснены, а расследование засекретили.



Вопрос: Семен ли Золотарев покоится в могиле под памятником Семену Золотареву у исследователей тайны перевала Дятлова возник еще с давних пор.


Главная причина тому странные татуировки на трупе, предположительно, Золотарева.


Никто из родственников этих татуировок не помнит.


Само тело, когда его обнаружили, изменилось так, что уже опознать в нем Семена никто не мог.


К тому же нет достоверных сведений, что кто-то из родных его опознавал.


Не оказалось Золотарева и в списках похороненных в том 1959 году на Ивановском кладбище Екатеринбурга.


Это и побудило родственников Семена провести эксгумацию и установить родство с помощью ДНК-экспертизы.


Семен Золотарев, как мы уж не раз писали, самый старший и загадочный из погибшей группы.


В том роковом походе он оказался случайным человеком со стороны.


Никому не знакомый 37-летний среди юнцов, что моложе на 10-15 лет.


Семен прошел всю войну без единого ранения.


После победы не поехал сразу домой, а поступил в Минский институт физкультуры.


Всякий раз, излагая письменно свою автобиографию, путал в ней существенные события из своей жизни.


Даже давал неверные сведения о своих боевыхнаградах.


Уезжая в тот последний поход, Семен сказал своим товарищам такую загадочную фразу:


«Об этом нашем походе еще заговорит весь мир».


И эти слова его оказались пророческими.


Мы, журналисты «КП», охотно взялись помочь родственникам Семена, потому как нам тоже были нужны ответы на ряд вопросов.


Например, установить характер костных переломов, обнаруженных на теле Семена судмедэкспертом в 1959 году.


Проверить радиационный фон останков и т.д.


Метод фотоналожения портрета Золотарева и черепа из могилы эксперт Сергей Никитин использовал прямо на кладбище.


Там же он сделал вывод, что в могиле похоронен именно тот человек, который изображен на фото.


А на фото, со слов родственников, запечатлен именно Семен.



Судмедэксперт проводит предварительную экспертизу останков.Фото: АЛЕКСЕЙ БУЛАТОВ

Сравнить ДНК костных останков Золотарева мы планировали с ДНК его родных племянников Татьяны Скульбеды и Павла Лещенко.


Оба - дети родной сестры Семена - Марии.


И на данный момент оба - самые близкие родственники Семена.



Момент забора материала для ДНК-экспертизы.Фото: НИКОЛАЙ ВАРСЕГОВ

И вот получены ошеломляющие результаты первой экспертизы, сделанной с помощью образцов ДНК предполагаемого Семена и его родственницы Татьяны.


По заключению генетика, кровное родство по материнской линии исключено (!)



Об этой новой сенсационной тайне перевала Дятлова мы поговорили в эфире радио «Комсомольская правда» (97,2 FM) с генетиком Алексеем Гарковенко, который и проводил ДНК-экспертизу.


- Алексей, в чем суть метода, который вы применяли при проведении анализа?


- В клетках каждого человека есть органеллы (частицы клетки), которые называются митохондриями.


Они передаются от матери к детям.


Это так называемое родство по женской линии.


Метод заключается в сравнении участков ДНК.


Если родство близкое, то участки будут схожи.


Мы секвенировали* два участка ДНК из костной ткани.


В одном - ДНК было нечитаемым.


В другом мы получили цепочку, с которой можно было работать.


И в ней было 4 несовпадения с ДНК Татьяны.


А все, что больше трех, исключает родство.


- А как объяснить расхождение между фотоналожением и результатами, полученными вами?


- Вообще генетика более точный метод.


И у меня нет сомнений в полученных результатах.


- Алексей, есть мнение, что выделение ДНК из костной ткани занимает достаточно долгое время - до трех недель.


А вы управились за три дня!


- Длительное время?


Это полная чушь! Вот смотрите, как это работает.


Кость перемалывается, заливается ферментным раствором, клетки расщепляются и в течение дня можно уже получить полный сравнительный анализ.


Кость, которую предоставили нам вы, журналисты «Комсомолки», мы растворяли 8 часов.


Потом 1,5 часа сравнивали с другим ДНК и получили результат.


Это стандартная методика.


- Но у вас же не сразу все получилось.


- Это правда.


Мы сначала выделили ядерную ДНК (Y-хромосома по мужской линии), но она оказалась разрушенной.


Причем, достаточно сильно.


Тогда мы решили посмотреть митохондриальную ДНК - по женской линии.


И ее получилось выделить.


- Как часто вам приходится выделять ДНК из костей такой давности?


- Именно такой редко.


Обычно это кости возрастом до 10 лет.


Но как-то раз мы выделили ядерную ДНК из костей 400-летней давности.


- А как вы устанавливаете родство?


- Объясню как можно проще.


Мы все предки от одной женщины в той или иной перспективе.


И при анализе всегда рассматривается то, как давно разошлись общие предки тех людей, ДНК которых мы сравниваем.


И что касается вашей экспертизы, то общие клетки предполагаемого Семена и его племянницы Татьяны разошлись более 1000 лет назад!


То есть они не могут быть родственниками не то, что в ближайшие три поколения, а еще глубже.


- Если честно, поверить в такие ошеломительные результаты очень сложно.


Практически невозможно!


- Ничего не могу поделать.


Я уверен в этих результатах на 100 процентов.



Результаты ДНК-экспертизы.



В эфире радио «Комсомольская правда» мы позвонили известному судебно-медицинскому эксперту Эдуарду Тумановуи спросили его мнение.


- Это экспертиза не прямого родства, поэтому к ней есть вопросы, - сказал Туманов.


- Не хочу ставить под сомнение профессионализм этих генетиков, но у частных лабораторий, насколько мне известно, не хватает опыта проводить экспертизы такой степени сложности.


Я считаю, что нужно обращаться в Российский центр судебно-медицинской экспертизы.


У них и навыки, и оборудование для проведения подобных исследований более весомые.





Позвонили Юлии Ореховой, внучатой племяннице Семена Золотарева.


- Мы шокированы этим результатом, - поделилась с нами Юлия.


- Мы были уверены, что в могиле окажется именно Семен Золотарев.


А если это не он, тогда нужно писать заявление в следственный комитет с просьбой возбудить уголовное дело и выяснить, кто же был похоронен в 1959 году под памятным знаком с табличкой, где указано имя нашего родственника.

Историческая сенсация: тест ДНК для самого таинственного участника группы Дятлова.

На самом деле. Выпуск от 16.05.2018.

Расследование дела о гибели группы Дятлова продолжается в студии уже прозвучало сенсационное заявление, что Семен Золотарев, самый таинственный участник злополучного похода, мог быть причастен к гибели дятловцев . Возможно, он был агентом, внедренным в группу студентов в самый последний момент, и был спасен спецслужбами сразу после трагедии.

Кто тогда захоронен в могиле Золотарева?



Честно скажем, что мы оказались не готовы к столь неожиданному выводу экспертизы.


Ведь если на Ивановском кладбище Екатеринбурга похоронен не Семен Золотарев, то кто же?


И куда делся с места трагедии сам Золотарев?


Или куда делось тело Семена Золотарева?


Юлия права в том, что нужно обращаться в органы с этими вопросами, но мы пока попросили ее подождать.


В ближайшее время проведем более обширный анализ ДНК в Российском центре судебно-медицинской экспертизы, где специалисты сравнят ДНК сестры и брата - Павла Лещенко и Татьяны Скульбеды, чтобы убедиться в их родственной связи.


А затем сравнят ДНК костной ткани предполагаемого Семена Золотарева и его обоих племянников.


Кроме того, мы надеемся, что и другие родственники Семена согласятся сдать свои образцы для более точного анализы.


Но если и вторая экспертиза подтвердит заключение первой, тогда картина событий на перевале окажется еще куда более загадочной и потребует прямого расследования компетентными органами.


Если вам что-либо достоверно известно о трагедии на перевале Дятлова, пишите:


* - Секвенирование - это общее название методов, которые позволяют установить последовательность нуклеотидов (биологических веществ) в молекуле ДНК.


"Комсомолка" рекомендует: DVD "Перевал Дятлова. Конец истории?" и электронную книгу "Кто прячет правду о гибели группы Дятлова" в интернет-магазине



DVD "Перевал Дятлова. Конец истории?"



Тайна перевала Дятлова: Кто похоронен в могиле Золотарева?


Напомним, зимой 1959 года в горах Северного Урала пропали девять туристов, ушедших в поход под руководством Игоря Дятлова.


Через месяц спасатели обнаружили их разрезанную палатку.


А в радиусе полутора километров от нее - пять замерзших тел.


Трупы остальных нашли только в мае.


Почти все туристы были разутые и полураздетые.


У некоторых - смертельные травмы.


До сих пор не разгадано, почему ребята убежали на лютый мороз и на свою погибель (подробности)



«Комсомолка» публикует неизвестные фото самого загадочного участника трагедии на перевале Дятлова


Напомним: зимой 1959 года в горах Северного Урала пропали девять туристов, ушедших в поход под руководством Игоря Дятлова.


Через месяц спасатели обнаружили их разрезанную палатку.


А в радиусе полутора километров от нее - пять замерзших тел.


Трупы остальных нашли только в мае. (подробности)



Перевал Дятлова: Выжил ли Семен Золотарев?


Тогда, напомним, при загадочных обстоятельствах погибла группа туристов.


Они среди ночи разрезали палатку и бросились в лес, не успев одеться и обуться.


После поисковики обнаружили в разных местах трупы туристов.


Что выгнало людей из палатки на мороз и погибель, так и не разгадано до сих пор (подробности)



Перевал Дятлова: За что Семен Золотарев получил строгий выговор?


Напомним, зимой 1959 года в горах Северного Урала пропали девять туристов под руководством Игоря Дятлова.


Через месяц спасатели обнаружили их разрезанную палатку.


А в радиусе полутора километров от нее - пять замерзших тел.


Трупы остальных нашли только в мае.


Почти все туристы были разутые и полураздетые.


У некоторых - смертельные травмы. (подробности)



Еще больше материалов по теме: «ПЕРЕВАЛ ДЯТЛОВА»


















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DNA resuts exclude kinship of the person laying in Zolotaryov’s grave with Zolotaryov’s niece
«Komsomolskaya Pravda» and the Channel 1 aired sensational results of genetic analysis.
Krivonischenko camera - 29 January 1959 Lozva river
In recollection.
In the winter of 1959, nine tourists led by Igor Dyatlov, a graduate from the Urals Polytechnic Institute disappeared in the north of the Sverdlovsk region.
The investigation found that in the middle of the night they, for unclear reasons, cut the tent and fled into the forest without outer clothing and shoes.
Six died of hypothermia, and three of them sustained fatal injuries.
The causes of the tragedy were never clarified, and the investigation was classified.
Question: Is it Semyon Zolotaryov who is buried in the grave under the monument to Semyon Zolotaryov, the researchers of the secrets of the Dyatlov Pass have asked this question for a long time.
The main reason for this is the strange tattoos on the corpse, presumably Zolotaryov.
None of the relatives remembers these tattoos.
The condition of the body when discovered was in no condition to be identified.
In addition, there is no reliable information that any of his relatives identified him.
There was no record of Zolotaryov ever been buried in 1959 at the Ivanovskoe Cemetery in Yekaterinburg.
This gave reason to Semyon's relatives to exhume and establish kinship with the help of DNA expertise.
Semyon Zolotaryov, as we wrote many times before, is the eldest and most mysterious of the perished group.
In that fateful trek, he turned out to be a stranger from outside.
The rest of the members of the group were 10-15 years younger and nobody knew the 37-year-old newcomer.
Semyon went through the whole war without a single wound.
After the end of the war, he did not go straight home, but enlisted the Minsk Institute of Physical Education.
Every time he wrote his autobiography, he confused in significant events from his life.
He even gave incorrect information about his combat awards.
Before leaving for his last expedition Semyon said to his students a mysterious statement:
"The whole world will talk about this expedition."
And his words turn out to be prophetic.
We, journalists of KP, willingly helped Semyon's relatives, because we also needed answers to a number of questions.
For example, to establish the nature of bone fractures found on the body of Semyon by forensic expert in 1959.
Check the radiation background of the remains, etc.
Forensic medical expert Sergei Nikitin performed the method of superimposition of Zolotaryov’s photo and the skull from the grave, directly at the cemetery.
Right there on the spot, Nikitin concluded that the person who is captured in the photo is buried in the grave.
According to relatives the photo used for the skull superimposition was of undoubtedly of Sеmyon.
Forensic expert conducts a preliminary examination. Photo Alexey Bulatov
First examination comparing the DNA of Zolotaryov's bone remains and the DNA of his native niece Tatyana Skulbeda and nephew Pavel Leshchenko.
Both are the children of Semyon's sister Mary.
And at the moment both are the closest relatives of Semyon.
Taking sampling material for DNA examination. Photo: Nikolay Varsegov
And here the stunning results of the, made with the help of DNA samples of the alleged Semyon and his relative Tatyana, were obtained.
According to the conclusion of a geneticist, the blood relationship on the maternal line is excluded (!).
About this new sensational secret of the Dyatlov Pass, we talked on the air of the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (97.2 FM) with the geneticist Alexei Garkovenko, who conducted the DNA-examination.
- Alexey, what is the essence of the method that you used in the analysis?
- In the cells of each person there are organelles (cell particles), which are called mitochondria.
They are passed from mother to child.
This is the so-called kinship along the female line.
The method consists in comparing DNA sections.
If the relationship is close, then the sites will be similar.
We sequenced two DNA sections from bone tissue.
In one the DNA was unreadable.
In the other we got a chain that we could work with.
And in it there were 4 mismatches with Tatyana's DNA.
If it is more than three, kinship is excluded.
- And how to explain the discrepancy between the skull superimposition and the results obtained by you?
- Generally, genetics is a more accurate method.
And I have no doubt about the results.
- Alexey, there is an opinion that DNA extraction from bone tissue takes quite a long time - up to three weeks.
And you have finished in three days!
- Takes a long time?
This is complete nonsense!
Look how it works.
The bone is grinded, filled with an enzyme solution, the cells are cleaved and a full comparative analysis can be obtained in a day.
The bone that you, the journalists of the Komsomolka, provided were dissolved for 8 hours.
I took 1.5 hours were compared to another DNA and get the result.
This is the standard procedure.
- But you were not able to get results right away.
- It's true.
We first isolated nuclear DNA (the Y-chromosome in the male line), but it turn out to be broken.
Very bad in that.
Then we decided to look at the mitochondrial DNA along the female line.
And it turned out to be good.
- How often do you have to extract DNA from bones of such a long time ago?
- It is rare.
Usually the bones not more that 10 years old.
But one time we isolated nuclear DNA from bones 400 years ago.
- And how do you establish kinship?
- I'll explain as easily as possible.
We are all ancestors from one woman in this or that perspective.
And when analyzing, we always consider how the common ancestors of those people whose DNA we compare have long ago dispersed.
And as for your expertise, the common cells of the alleged Seeds and his niece Tatyana diverged more than 1000 years ago!
That is, they can not be relatives not that in the next three generations, but even deeper.
- To be honest, it's very difficult to believe in such stunning results.
Almost impossible!
- I can’t help it.
I am confident in these results by 100 percent.
Results of the DNA test
On the air of the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" we called the famous forensic expert Eduard Tumanov and asked his opinion.
- This is not an examination of direct kinship, so there are questions about it, - said Tumanov.
- I don’t want to question the professionalism of these geneticists, but private laboratories, as far as I know, do not have enough experience to carry out examinations of this degree of complexity.
I believe that you need to contact the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination.
They have both skills and equipment for conducting such studies more weighty.
We called Julia Orehova, Semyon Zolotaryov's grandniece.
- We are shocked by this result, - Julia shared with us.
- We were sure that Simyon Zolotaryov would be in the grave.
And if it's not him, then we need to file an application with the investigative committee with a request to open a criminal case and find out who was buried in 1959 under a memorable sign with a tablet bearing the name of our relative.
Historical sensation: a DNA test for the most mysterious member of the Dyatlov group.
In fact.
The investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group continues in the studio, a sensational statement has already been aired that Semyon Zolotaryov, the most mysterious participant in the ill-fated expedition, could have been involved in the death of the Dyatlov group.
Perhaps he was an agent implanted in a group of students at the very last moment, and was rescued by special services right after the tragedy.
Who is then buried in the grave of Zolotaryov?
* - Sequencing is the general name of methods that allow the sequence of nucleotides (biological substances) to be established in a DNA molecule.

















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Radiological Analysis Report - 59 years to the day
I here by testify that I have been warned about the responsibility under articles 92 and 95 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Levashov (signature) 18.V.1959
The tests were performed in the radiological laboratory from 18/V-59 to 25/V-59.
In the Certificate of Examination all objects of investigation are numbered from №1 to №4 as in the autopsy reports:
№1 Kolevatov
№2 Zolotaryov
№3 Thibault Brignoles
№4 Dubinina
Samples of solid biosubstrates and clothes combined in groups under Nos 1, 2, 3,4 were submitted to the radio-isotope laboratory of the Sverdlovsk sanitaryepidemic station and were analyzed for presence of radioactive materials.
Dosimetric measurements of clothes showed excessive radioactivity (Betaemission only, no Alpha or Gamma-quanta) of 200–300 counts per minute (cpm) over the natural background.
Further investigation allowed maximum contamination to be established on different spots of clothing:
  1. Brown sweater from №4: 9900 cpm on 150 cm2
  2. Bottom part of bloomers from №1: 5000 cpm on 150 cm2
  3. Belt of sweater from №1: 5600 cpm on 150 cm2


Table №2 shows the contamination of various types of clothing.
Recalculation was performed on the B-2 installation in a lead house with a cassette counter STS-6 in the number of 4 pieces.
Conversion factor installations B-2 k = 8.9; background in lead house (before washing) 90 pulses/min; background in lead house (after washing) 100 pulses/min.
Experimental washing of the clothes showed that the pollution is reduced, the percentage of decreasing varies from 30% to 60% (clothes were washed in running cold water for 3 hours).
When determining the type of radiation, it is established that the activity takes place due to beta particles.
Alpha particles and gamma quanta were not detected.
The absence of appropriate instruments and conditions in the laboratory made it impossible to perform radiochemical and spectrometric analysis to determine the chemical structure of the emitter and its radiation energy.
Radiometric measurements of solid biosubstrates were carried out at the B-2 facility (No. 2554) in a lead house with a BFA-25 meter.
The unit was measured using a strontium preparation with an activity of 1) 7000 rpm, 2) 2000 rpm.
The results of measurements of samples from №1, 2, 3, 4 are summarized in Table №1 (see on the back)
Set conversion ratio = 5.5
The results of the measurements from the control samples are summarized in Table №3 (see below)
Control samples were obtained from the forensic medical expert of Dr. Vozrozhdenny.
The samples of the tissues of a person who died in the accident of a motor vehicle in the city of Sverdlovsk, also showed the presence of a natural radiological element of potassium-40 in approximately the same amounts as in Table №1.
Thus, the results of the studies in Tables 1 and 3 do not exceed the averaged data on the content of radioactive substances in human organs and may be due to natural radioactive Potassium-40.
Radiation by type refers to Beta particles.
Alpha particles and gamma quanta are not detected.
  1. The content of radioactive materials in analyzed solid biosubstartes is within the natural level (and is due to the presence of isotope K-40).
  2. The analyzed samples of clothing carry slightly excessive amounts of radioactive substances being the source of Beta-emission.
  3. The detected radioactive materials or radioactive substance show a tendency to washing-off in the course of clothing samples washing, i.e., they are not due to a neutron flux or induced radiation, but rather to radioactive contamination with Beta-particles.


Chief radiologist of the city of Levashov (signed) 27.05.1959
The studies were performed in the radiological laboratory from 18/V-59 to 25/V-59.

















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Resolution to close the case - 59 years to the day
May 28, 1959
Nikolay Ivanovich Klinov - Prosecutor of Sverdlovsk region
May 28, 1959
city of Sverdlovsk
Prosecutor criminologist of the Sverdlovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office Jr. Justice Counselor Ivanov, having examined the criminal case instituted on the occasion of the death of 9 tourists in the Ivdel district of the Sverdlovsk region,
Case file page 384
January 23, 1959 a group of amateur tourists in the amount of 10 people went on a ski trip along the route: city of Sverdlovsk - city of Ivdel - 2nd Northern district - Mt. Otorten - Oika-Chakour mountain - North Toschemka river - Vizhay settlement - city of Ivdel - city of Sverdlovsk.
The group consisted of: Igor Dyatlov - a student of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, leader of the expedition; Dubinina L.A., Kolmogorova Z.A., Kolevatov A.S., Yudin Y.E., Doroshenko Y.N. - UPI students; Zolotaryov A.A. - Instructor of the Kourovka Tourist Base, Slobodin R.V., Krivonischenko Y.G., Thibeaux-Brignolle N.V. - engineers of enterprises in Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk.
All the participants of the expedition had good hiking training and could participate in a trek of III category of difficulty.
The group was supplied with the necessary equipment and food, the trade union committee of the Ural Polytechnic Institute financed the expedition.
Arriving safely to the place of the beginning of the trek - the 2nd Northern Ivdels district on 28.I.59 the group started the hike.
One tourist - Yudin Y.S. returned home from the site of the 2nd Northern, as he could not continue the trek due to illness.
From diary entries, sketches of the route and developed photographic films of the tourists it is determined that on 28 May 1959 the group went upstream Lozva river, 30.I.59 the group continued its movement, 31.I.59 the tourists reached Auspiya river and tried to go over the pass to the valley of Lozva river, but because of the low temperature and strong wind they had to go back down and stopped for overnight.
On I.II.59 tourists built a storage in the upper reaches of Auspiya river in which they left supplies of food and all unnecessary equipment.
On 31.I.59 going back in the valley of Auspiya river and knowing about the difficult conditions of the relief of the height "1079", where the ascent was supposed to be, Dyatlov, as the leader of the group, made a gross mistake allowing the group to begin the ascent on 1.II.59, only at 15-00.
Case file page 385
Later, on the ski trail, which was preserved at the time of the search, it was possible to establish that the tourists, moving to the valley of the fourth tributary of the Lozva River, were 500-600 m to the left and instead of the pass formed by the peaks "1079" and "880" they went up on the eastern slope of height "1079".
This was Dyatlov's second mistake.
Using light day time to rise to the top of the "1079", in conditions of strong wind that is usual in this area, and a low temperature of the order of 25-30 ° C, Dyatlov group found themselves at unprofitable conditions for spending the night and decided to pitch the tent on a slope of height "1079" so that in the morning of the next day, without losing altitude, go to the Mt. Otorten, to which the distance in straight line remained about 10 km.
In one of the cameras the last frame shows the moment of excavation of snow for the installation of the tent.
Considering that this frame was shot with an exposure of I/25 seconds, with a diaphragm of 5.6 at a film sensitivity of 65 Un.
GOST, and taking into account the density of the frame, we can assume that the tourists started the installation of the tent around 5 pm 1.II.59.
A similar picture was taken with another camera.
After this time, no records and no photos were found.
According to the protocol of the route committee, the group leader, Igor Dyatlov, 12.II.59, was to telegraphically inform the sports club of the UPI and the Committee of Physical Education (comrade Ufimtsev) on arrival of the group in the village of Vizhay.
Since the deadline of 12.II.59 passed, and no information was received from the group, the tourists who knew Dyatlov closely demanded a search to start, and on 20.II.59 the Institute's leadership on the Dyatlov route sent a search team, and then several more groups.
Subsequently, soldiers and officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, planes and helicopters of civil and military aviation joined the search operation.
On February 26, 1959, on the eastern slope of the peak "1079" the group's tent was found with all the equipment and food in it.
The tent and all that was in it were well preserved.
Inspection of the tent showed that it was set correctly and provided accommodation for the hikers.
In the tent there were 2 blankets, backpacks, storm jackets and trousers.
The rest of the blankets were crumpled and frozen.
On the blanket were found several loin pieces.
Location and availability of items in the tent (almost all shoes, all outer clothing, personal belongings and diaries) indicated that the tent was abandoned suddenly by all tourists at the same time, and, as it was established in the subsequent forensic expertise, the lee side of the tent, where tourists usually laid their heads, it was cut from the inside in two places providing a free exit of the person through these cuts.
Case file page 386
Below the tent, for up to 500 meters in the snow, traces of people walking from the tent to the valley and into the forest have been preserved.
The traces were well preserved and there were 8-9 pairs.
Inspection of the tracks showed that some of them were almost barefoot (for example, in one cotton sock), others had a typical footprint of felt boots, legs covered in a soft sock, etc.
Prints of tracks were located close to each other, converging and again separated one from another.
Closer to the border of the forest, the footprints were covered with snow and disappeared.
Neither traces of a struggle nor presence of other people were found in the tent or near it.
26.II.59 in 1500 meters from the tent, at the forest boundary, the remains of a fire are found, and near it were the bodies of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko, stripped to the underwear.
At 300 meters from the makeshift fire, in the direction of the tent, was found the body of Dyatlov, 180 meters away from him - the body of Slobodin, and 150 meters from Slobodin - Kolmogorova body.
The last three bodies were located on a straight line from the fire to the tent.
Dyatlov lay on his backs, his head in the direction of the tent, his hands clasping the trunk of a small birch.
Slobodin and Kolmogorov lay face down, their pose testified that they were crawling to the tent.
Money and personal effects (pens, pencils, etc.) were found in the pockets of Kolmogorova, Dyatlov and Slobodin.
On his left hand pointing outwards Slobodin was wearing a watch that stopped at 8:45.
Dyatlov's watch showed 5:31.
Forensic medical examination found that Dyatlov, Doroshenko, Krivonischenko and Kolmogorova died from exposure to low temperature (frozen), none of them had physical injuries, not counting minor scratches and abrasions.
Slobodin had a crack in the skull 6 cm long, which had spread to 0.1 cm, but Slobodin died from freezing.
May 4, 1959, 75 meters from the campfire, in the direction of the valley of the fourth tributary of Lozva, i.e. perpendicular to the way of tourists from the tent, under a layer of snow 4-4.5 meters, the bodies of Dubinina, Zolotaryov, Thibeaux-Brignolle and Kolevatov were found.
On the bodies, as well as a few meters from them, Krivonischenko and Doroshenko's clothes were found - trousers, sweaters.
All clothing has traces of smooth cuts, as already photographed with the bodies of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko.
The dead Thibeaux Brignolle and Zolotaryov were found well-dressed, worse dressed Dubinina - her jacket made of artificial fur and a cap were found on Zolotaryov, Dubinina's naked leg was wrapped in Krivonischenko's woolen pants.
Near the bodies, Krivonischenko's knife was found, which cut off the young firs near the fire.
On the hand of Thibeaux-Brignolle were two watches - one of them shows 8:14, and the second - 8:39.
Forensic evidence of bodies revealed that Kolevatov's death had come from the effect of low temperature (frozen), Kolevatov had no physical injuries.
The death of Dubinina, Thibeaux-Brignolle and Zolotaryov was the result of multiple physical injuries.
Dubinina has a semimetric fracture of the ribs: on the right 2, 3, 4, 5 and left 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
In addition she has extensive hemorrhage in the heart.
Case file page 387
Thibeaux-Brignolle has an extensive hemorrhage in the right temporal muscle - corresponding to him - a crushed fracture of the skull bones measuring 3x7 cm, with a bone defect 3x2 cm.
Zolotaryov has a broken ribs on the right 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 along the parasternal and midaxillary lines, which caused his death.
The investigation did not establish the presence of other people on February 1 or February 2, 1959 in the area of ​​the height "1079", except the tourists from Dyatlov group.
It is also established that the population of the Mansi people, living in 80-100 km from this place, is Russian friendly, offers tourists accommodation, assistance etc.
The place where the group died is considered to be unfit for hunting and reindeer breeding in the winter.
Considering the absence of external injuries to the bodies or signs of a fight, the presence of all the valuables of the group, and also taking into account the conclusion of the medical examinations for the causes of the deaths of the tourists, it is concluded that the cause of their demise was overwhelming force, which the tourists were not able to overcome.
For the shortcomings in the organization of tourist work and weak control of the bureau of the Sverdlovsk GC the CPSU punished in party terms: the director of the Ural Polytechnic Institute Siunov, the secretary of the party bureau Zaostrovsky, the chairman of the trade union UPK Slobodin, the chairman of the city union of voluntary sports societies Kurochkin and the inspector of the union Ufimtsev.
The chairman of the board of the sports club of the Gordo Institute has been removed from work.
Given that between the actions of the above-mentioned persons who have committed shortcomings in the formulation of sports work and the death of tourists there is no causal connection and, not seeing in this case the corpus delicti, guided by paragraph 5 of Article 4 of the RSFSR Code of Criminal Procedure,
The criminal case on the death of the group of tourists and further proceedings are to be terminated.
Andrey Pavlovich Kirilenko - First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party

















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Lev Ivanov continues to ask questions to Vozrozhdenny the day the case is closed
The Dyatlov case was closed, but investigator Lev Ivanov asked forensic medical examiner expert Vozrozhdenny, additional questions about the autopsy reports, and received some interesting information:
  1. From what kind of force could Thibeaux-Brignolle have received such injury?Answer: In the conclusion, it’s shown the damage to Thibeaux-Brignolle’s head could have been the result of the throwing, fall or jettisoning of the body. I don’t believe these wounds could have been the result of Thibeaux-Brignolle simply falling from the level of his own height, i.e. falling and hitting his head. The extensive, depressed, multi-splintered (broken fornix and base of the skull) fracture could be the result of an impact of an automobile moving at high speed. This kind of trauma could have occurred if Thibeaux-Brignolle had been thrown and fallen and hit his head against rocks, ice, etc., by a gust of strong wind.
  2. Is it possible that Thibeaux-Brignolle was hit by a rock that was in someone’s hand? Answer: In this case, there would have been damage to the soft tissue, and this was not evident.
  3. How long could Thibeaux-Brignolle have lived after the trauma. Could he have moved on his own, talked, etc.? Answer: After this trauma, Thibeaux-Brignolle would have had a severe concussion; that is, he would have been in an unconscious state. Moving him would have been difficult and, close to the end, movement would not have been possible. I believe he would not have been able to move even if he had been helped. He could only have been carried or dragged. He could have shown signs of life for 2-3 hours.
  4. How is it possible to explain the cause of the damage to Dubinina and Zolotaryov? Is it possible to combine them into one cause. Answer: I think the character of the injuries on Dubinina and Zolotaryov – a multiple fracture of the ribs – on Dubinina were bilateral and symmetrical, and on Zolotaryov were one-sided. Both had hemorrhaging into the cardiac muscle with hemorrhaging into the pleural cavity, which is evidence of them being alive [when injured] and is the result of the action of a large force, similar to the example used for Thibeaux-Brignolle. These injuries, especially appearing in such a way without any damage to the soft tissue of the chest, are very similar to the type of trauma that results from the shock wave of a bomb.
  5. How long could Dubinina and Zolotaryov have lived? Answer: Dubinina died 10-20 minutes after the trauma. She could have been conscious. Sometimes it happens that a person with a wound to the heart (for example, a serious knife wound) can talk, run and ask for help. Dubinina’s situation was one of complicated traumatic shock resulting from the bilateral rib fracture, followed by internal hemorrhaging into the pleural cavity. Zolotaryov could have lived longer. It needs to be taken into account that they were all trained, physically fit, and strong people.
Regional bureau forensic pathologist Vozrozhdenny (signature) 05/29/1959
Boris Alexandrovich Vozrozhdenny - forensic medical expert of the Regional forensic bureau
Vozrozhdenny Boris Alexandrovich (born 1922) - forensic expert (since 1954) of the Regional forensic medical bureau.
Together with forensic expert Ganz, he carried out the autopsy and the description of the corpses found on the slope of the Kholat Syakhl mountain in March-May 1959.
He prepared the conclusions given in the autopsy reports.
The autopsy reports, signed by the Vozrozhdenny, are in the criminal case about the death of tourists of the Dyatlov group.
In May 1959, Vozrozhdenny flew in a helicopter to the place of discovery of the last four bodies.
With regard to the autopsies, opinions were divided.
Some researchers believe that Vozrozhdenny has deliberately omitted some details pointing to the radiological reason for the death of the Dyatlov group, while others recall that it was precisely from the autopsy reports - undoubtedly the most valuable documents in this case - that it became known that there were serious bodily injuries, incompatible with life, on Slobodin, Dubinina, Thibeaux-Brignolle and Zolotaryov.
In addition, the documents indicate that Lyudmila Dubinina was missing her tongue.
There are testimonies of eyewitnesses that after each autopsy, experts and witnesses "from the authorities" dipped into a barrel of alcohol, so as not to get infected.
When they finished investigating the bodies of the first five and brought out the verdict of hypothermia as the cause of death, the whole team got drunk.
This is the moment portrayed in the header image from “Dyatlov Pass - end of story” movie.
Some modern researchers interpret these facts differently - some believe that the autopsies were conducted in a state of intoxication.
Activists of the Dyatlov case have been persistently calling for the exhumation of the corpses and conducting a second investigation.
They may just have recently gotten their wish.
On April 12, 2018 Komsomolskaya Pravda, per request of the relatives, exhumed the body of Semyon Zolotaryov at Ivanovskoe Cemetery in Yekaterinburg for the purpose of identification.
The superimposition performed by expert Sergey Nikitin at the cemetery comparing the skull with a known post war photograph of Semyon Zoltaryov shows perfect match (more information).
The first DNA test results aired by Russian Channel 1 on May 16, 2018 exclude kinship of the person laying in Zolotaryov’s grave with Zolotaryov’s niece Tatyana Skulbeda, daughter of Semyon’s sister (more information).


















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Sasha - the baby that always broke his mother into tears
Emotional story by Galina Sazonova, Doctor pediatrician and Dyatlov case researcher
Editorial note - this started as a matter of fact exposé but the author shows soon enough her sentiment to the characters involved and reveals her true feelings on the topic.
At the moment she is maybe the person who knows best Semyon Zolotaryov background and to top that Galina is deeply emotionally bound to keep going further.
  • Semyon's son Sasha is born on Feb 10, 1956 in Lermontovo, Russian Federation.
  • Semyon's wife name is Tamara. Her identity is known, but it is not published because her children still live in a small town and do not want attention from neighbors and gossip about their mother.
  • Tamara is not on any of the photographs shown here. There are pictures of her, but they are not published yet. She is really very beautiful! The type of of woman that men fall head over heels.
  • Tamara has 4 daughters. The eldest was born before Sasha, and three after. Sasha would be the fifth child. All the daughters were born out of wedlock and had the mother's surname. With that, she had a second civil husband after Semyon and they lived happily with him all his life and all her children are very fond of him.
  • Tamara was very worried about Sasha her whole life. She always began to cry from mentioning his name. It was Her tragedy. Daughters always knew that there was a brother, this was not hidden form them, but the topic was not discussed in the family because there was a very painful reaction from her.
  • You can't start to imagine how intelligent, educated, tactful, and successful her daughters are. They speak of their mother with a lot of love and compassion, admitting the fact that Sasha was given away and not understanding how this could happen. This is not an antisocial family and this is not the woman who is just so ready to give up her child. She did everything she could to raise beautiful daughters.
  • Tamara and her second husband were looking for Sasha.
  • The eldest daughter remembers the moment when all in tears, Tamara carried Sasha. He was about a year old. She put him on the porch of a house, and hid the girl in bushes so that she would be on the look out Sasha not to fall from the porch or crawl away. The door opened, Sasha was taken. It was a private house. The daughter is sure that it was Semyon's house and that the door was opened by Semyon's mother.
  • Before this happened, Tamara and Semyon quarreled and he left.
  • The daughter didn't like Semyon, although she remembers him well. She doesn't remember any tattoos. He was strict with her, but at the same time she doesn't mentioned any violence towards her (raising a hand or verbal abuse). But she remembers very well how he forced her to eat all her food. This was very typical after the war. I couldn't stand my grandma, because my sister and I were could not leave the table until we finished it all, including crumbs of bread, which fell on the table. My grandmother survived the siege of Leningrad from the first to the last day. Only later did I understand why she did what she did. Semyon, aged 11, survived the Holodomor and the famine of 1945-46.
  • Tamara loved Semyon very much. And then hated him her whole life.
  • Tamara also fought during the war.


This is what is known from Tamara's daughters.
It is clear that all memories can be smoothed, especially childhood memories.
And it is clear that the daughters will protect their mother, even more because they are loving daughters.
Now looking at it objectively hear is what I do not understand.
Everything happened in a very small village Lermontovo, also closed to outsiders, since uranium was extracted on its territory.
All those who came to work in this city, were investigated.
The village was recently founded and everyone lived in barracks.
Those in one long house have many rooms and one family (no matter how many people) lives in one room.
All have a shared toilet, a corridor, a kitchen.
There are many neighbors.
I don't understand how is it possible to explain to the neighbors where did the child go.
Neighbors could not help but notice.
The same goes for the Semyon's family, how could the child disappear without anybody noticing, they lived in barracks too.
At that time in the Soviet Union the children were looked ta very fondly (they were a great asset), especially in the territories that were occupied by the Germans.
Maybe you do not know, but in the same village Udobnoy, where Semyon is from, there was a German hospital for which children were selected, their blood was pumped out of them and their bodies were thrown into a pit behind the hospital.
In the same pit, after liberation, they found bodies and women, with bullet holes, embracing their children.
A child at that time was considered sacred.
One would wonder why is Semyon in the photos surrounded by women.
Because there were no men (muzhiks). 25 million men of childbearing age perished.
There was a very strong demographic bias.
Women did not hope to get married, they wanted to have children at least.
Therefore, at that time, there was a government decree, on the support of single mothers financially.
Perhaps this is the reason why none of Tamara's daughters had an official father and why Semyon was not put on the birth certificate.
Tamara received money for this under a program that stimulates fertility.
And they all lived very poorly.
It is now difficult for us to imagine how poor and how difficult it was.
What am I getting at:
  • The rejection of the child threatened Tamara to be condemned by the society. And very strong condemnation that is that could end up with dismissal from work. That didn't happen. She had to have a "storefront" story for neighbors and colleagues.
  • The legal moment. Not only that she gave up the child, but she had to make out a number of legal documents - to write him out from the room, from the kindergarten, from the children's polyclinic, and so on. And everywhere give some reason why she does it. It was all controlled very strictly at the time.
  • If she gave him up to an orphanage and relinquish her rights of a parent - the (condemning) information had to be sent to her place of work and there she had to be reproved at meetings of the work collective and, as a rule, became immediately known to the whole community. And there was always a woman nearby who couldn't have a child or husband. But then the child could be quickly adopted.
  • If she didn't relinquish her rights of a parent, but simply abandoned the child somewhere, then this child was transferred to an orphanage, but was listed as "lost". There was a search for parents and it could last a lifetime, until the child grew up. Such children were kept in the orphanage, they could not be given up for adoption because orphanhood was not confirmed and there was no relinquishment of the rights from the parents.
The most realistic option to bypass all legal and social difficulties, was to give the child to be brought up in the village to some relatives.
It was allowed, because life was really hard.
But the thing is that if she gave Sasha to Semyon's mom or Semyon himself - it was impossible to live in one small village and not meet with her son.
So Sasha was clearly taken from Lermontovo.
And Tamara did not know where, if she was looking for him.
Now there was information from Semyon's niece, Alla Borovikovskaya, that when they were looking for him, they were told "you can't find him, he is in Germany".
I'm not very sure that there was cross-border adoption at that time, so most likely they are talking of Soviet citizens who worked or served in Germany at that time.
Those who had the right to live there as families were few.
There is a hope that this can be reflected in some archives in Germany - lists of diplomatic workers or military specialists.
The problem is that if Sasha was adopted at the age of one year, he could completely change his name and even his date of birth.
And he may not even know about the fact that he is adopted.
Although at that time it was not accepted to hide this.
Too many children were adopted and this was normal.
Alla Borovikovskaya is a foster child in Zolotaryov's family herself.
Off topic.
Next day after the exhumation I was alone in the cemetery.
The sun was shining, although it was cold.
I went to church, put a candle for Semyon, and, waiting for the car, just walked along the paths.
I heard a bell ringing.
Maybe I went crazy (not every day digging up graves), but suddenly I realized that I had to find Semyon's son and make him come to the grave of his father.
Semyon needs this, he is asking for it. It was like a bright explosion in the brain.
I will finish this and leave the topic.
There are many theories about Semyon.
It so happened that no one knows about him as much as I do.
He was a complicated man with a very uneasy fate, but at the same time I have a strong feeling that he was an extremely decent and good person.
I can talk indefinitely about Semyon, perhaps enough is enough.
Galina Sazonova


















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Histologucal Analyses - 59 years to the day

The case was terminated before all test came out.


Histological Analysis №66/602
Case file page 358 dated 29/V 1959
Under the order of Forensic medical expert Vozrozhdenny an examination was carried out in the histological department of the Sverdlovsk Region of pieces of skin, bones and internal organs from the body of of Thibeaux-Brignolle N.V., 23 years old, to resolve the issue of hemorrhages.
Hematoxylin and Eosin, and Wright-Giemsa staining.
Microscopic examination The sternum with the surrounding soft tissues - In soft tissues hemorrhages are not visible, red bone marrow in a state of putrefaction.
Rib - Blood between the bone beams in the state of putrefaction.
Skin - Epidermis is absent, in the dermis of hemorrhage with the presence of brown pigment.
Thyroid gland with surrounding muscles - In soft tissues hemorrhages are not visible, iron in a state of putrefaction.
Conclusion Hemorrhage in the skin (in the dermis).
29/V 1959 Forensic medical expert Ganz
Histological Analysis №64/600
Case file page 359 dated 29/V 1959
Under the order of Forensic medical expert Vozrozhdenny an examination was carried out in the histological department of the Sverdlovsk Region of pieces of skin, bones and internal organs from the body of Kolevatov A.S., 24 years old, to resolve the issue of the presence of hemorrhages.
Hematoxylin and Eosin, and Wright-Giemsa staining.
Microscopic examination Part of the costal bone with surrounding soft tissues - Bone is an ordinary structure, hemorrhages are not visible in surrounding soft tissues, pronounced putrefaction.
Skin - The epidermis is flattened, visible only along the edges of the drug, in the derma of hemorrhages it is not visible.
Kidney - Putrid changes.
Heart - Presence of gaps between myocardial fibers Conclusion In the sent pieces of skin, bones and internal organs from the body of Kolevatov, hemorrhages were not detected.
29/V 1959 Forensic medical expert Ganz
Histological Analysis №65/601
Case file page 360
Under the order of Forensic medical expert Vozrozhdenny an examination was carried out in the histological department of the Sverdlovsk Region of pieces of skin, bones and internal organs from the body of A. Zolotaryov A.A., 37 years old, to resolve the issue of the presence of hemorrhages.
Hematoxylin and Eosin, and Wright-Giemsa staining.
Microscopic examination Part of the sternum with surrounding soft tissues - Hemorrhages are not visible.
Part of the edge with the surrounding soft tissues - Putrefactive changes, in the soft tissues bone fragments and hemorrhages are visible, there is no cellular reaction.
Skin - Absence of superficial layers of the epidermis, in places its complete absence, in the dermis of hemorrhage with the presence of brown pigment and shadows of cells, putrefactive changes.
Muscle - Putrid changes.
Heart - Cracks between myocardial fibers, plethora of blood vessels, diapedemic hemorrhages.
The back of Case file page 360 dated 29/V 1959
Conclusion Hemorrhages in the skin (in the dermis), heart muscle and soft tissues, in the region of the rib fracture without a cellular reaction.
29/V 1959 Forensic medical expert Ganz
Histological Analysis №67/603
Case file page 361 dated 29/V 1959
Under the order of Forensic medical expert Vozrozhdenny an examination was carried out in the histological department of the Sverdlovsk Region of pieces of skin, bones and internal organs from the body of Dubinina L.A., 21, to solve the question of the presence of hemorrhages.
Hematoxylin and Eosin, and Wright-Giemsa staining.
Microscopic examination Rib - A transverse fracture of the rib with a hemorrhage at the site of the fracture, without a cellular reaction.
Hyoid bone - Hemorrhages are not visible Skin - The epidermis is completely absent in places, hemorrhages with presence of brown pigment and shadows of cells are visible in the dermis.
Heart - The gap between the fibers of the myocardium, small hemorrhages in the myocardium.
Conclusion Hemorrhages in the skin (in the dermis), hemorrhage at the site of the rib fracture without a cellular reaction, small hemorrhages in the myocardium.
29/V 1959 Forensic medical expert Ganz
* Header image is from “Dyatlov Pass - end of story” movie


















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Lev Ivanov continues to ask questions to Levashov after the case is closed - 59 years to the day
After the Dyatlov case was closed, the investigator Lev Ivanov asked the expert chief radiologist of Sverdlovsk Levashov additional questions about his radiological examination:
  1. Should there be (can it be) increased contamination of clothing with radioactive substances under normal conditions, i.e. without being in a radioactively contaminated environment or place? Answer: Definitely not.
  2. Was there any contamination of the objects you are researching? Answer: As stated in the conclusion, there is a contamination of radioactive substances (substance) by the beta emitters of individual, selectable areas of clothing, sent samples. Thus, for example, the cut from №4 - the brown sweater at the time of the study had 9900 beta-particles decays per minute at 150 cm2, and after washing (for 3 hours in our room), he gave 5,200 decays per minute of beta particles with 150 cm2. For example, according to the sanitary rules that exist in our country, the contamination in beta particles from 150 square centimeters per minute should not exceed 5000 cleavages (washing), and after cleaning (washing) there should be a natural background, e. as much as it gives cosmic radiation to all people and all objects in a given locality, this is the norm for workers with radioactive substances. Piece from №1 - the waistband of the sweater shows up to wash 5600 decays, and after washing - 2700. The bottom of the trousers from №1 shows 5000 decays before washing and 2600 after washing. In your data it is indicated that all these objects were in the flowing water for a long time before the study, i.e. have already been washed.
  3. Is it possible to consider that this clothing is contaminated with radioactive dust? Answer: Yes, clothes are contaminated or radioactive dust dropped from the atmosphere, or this garment has been exposed to contamination when working with radioactive substances, or on contact. This pollution exceeds, as I have already indicated, the norm for persons working with radioactive substances.
  4. What do you think, what could be the degree of contamination of individual objects, if you take into account that prior to research they had been in the running water for about 15 days. Answer: It can be assumed that the contamination of individual garments was many times greater, but here one must take into account that clothes could be washed unevenly, that is, with varying degrees of intensity


Expert: chief radiologist of the city of Levashov (signed) 05/29/1959
In order to determine whether the radiological contamination of clothes was beta-particles, compare the indices of its contamination with the data of the sanitary and radiation survey conducted on June 25, 1959 in the village of Tatar Karabolka, which is located only 30-40 kilometers from the Mayak enterprise, and which September 29, 1957, the first was on the way of a deadly cloud from a radiation explosion.
In 1959, secret order № 546SS syas that residents of Tatar Karabolka must be urgently resettled because of dangerous radiation contamination.
In this area in 1959 there was an increased level of radiation, measurements of contamination of household items as follows:
The indicators of contamination with beta particles of clothes of Dyatlov group members exceeded the maximum indices of β-removable pollution of household items in the polluted by radiation emissions of the village of Tatar Karabolka up to 50 times! Why?
Considering the fact that the clothes with β-contamination were washed in the flowing water of the stream for 3 months, these are high radioactivity values for the terrain where radioactivity is not present - the mountainous terrain far from pollution sites.
In addition to clothing, radiometric measurements of solid biosubstrates (bodies of the dead) were conducted using a B-2 (№ 2554) installation in a lead house with a BFA-25 meter.
The unit was calibrated according to the strontium preparation with activity:
1) 7000 rpm
2) 2000 rpm
Set conversion ratio = 5.5
Forensic medical expert Vozrozhdenny obtained control samples of tissues of a person who died in motor vehicle accident in Sverdlovsk.
The presence of the natural radiological element of potassium-40 was in approximately the same amounts Table №3 as in the bodies of dead tourists Table №1.
However, it has to be taken in consideration that:
  1. Control samples were biosubstrates of the lung, and in the samples of dead tourists this organ was absent. The lungs, like other respiratory organs, obviously did not examine, and it is in the lungs, the trachea, the bronchi and the nasopharynx that radioactive particles are deposited. Radioactive particles when inhaled are usually localized at different levels of the respiratory tract, depending on the particle size. Particles from 0 3 to 0 micron are retained in the alveoli, about 6-20 microns in bronchioles, 20-60 microns in the bronchi, and particles larger than 60 microns in the upper respiratory tract.
  2. In addition to the lungs, the dead had not been examined yet a very important organ - the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a very important organ that suffers first of all during the radioactive irradiation of the human body 131J. Iodine, as a substance, is extremely selectively deposited in the thyroid gland. After ingress of 131J into the human body, the radioactivity of the thyroid gland can exceed the radioactivity of all other tissues by more than 200 times! Acute radiation injuries of a severe, moderate and mild degree in an adult can be expected with oral intake of 131J in an amount of 55, 18 and 5 MBq / kg body weight. The toxicity of the radionuclide with inhalation intake is approximately two times higher, which is associated with a larger area of ​​contact beta radiation. All organs and systems are involved in the pathological process, but especially severe damages occur in the thyroid gland, where the highest doses are formed. The thyroid gland of the victims who died during the examination was not investigated, but as noted above, the expert Vozrozhdenny recorded in the autopsy reports that the aorta passing into the thyroid gland of the dead was greatly expanded.


Due to the fact that the biosubstrates of the lung and the thyroid gland of the dead for any reason were not given to the radiologist Levashov, on the basis of the incomplete data provided to him, he conducted an examination and made the following conclusion:
  1. The content of radioactive materials in analyzed solid biosubstartes is within the natural level (and is due to the presence of isotope K-40).
  2. The analyzed samples of clothing carry slightly excessive amounts of radioactive substances being the source of Beta-emission.
  3. The detected radioactive materials or radioactive substance show a tendency to washing-off in the course of clothing samples washing, i.e., they are not due to a neutron flux or induced radiation, but rather to radioactive contamination of Beta-particles.


















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Chivruay tragedy 1973

Forty five years ago, tourists from all over the USSR were shocked by the tragic deaths of KuAI hikers on the Kola Peninsula



Dyatlov Pass search and rescue operation was unprecedented and was surpassed only 14 years later by the Chivruay tragedy on January 23, 1973.
There quite a few similarities that are pointed out between the two tragic events.
On January 25, 1973, ten students from the Kuybyshev Aviation Institute (KuAI), the leaders Mihail Kuznetsov and Valentin Zemlinin, started the route along the Lovozero tundra (the "tundra" is the mountains of the Kola Peninsula).
On that day, a pass was made and on the border of the forest in the Elmraiyok valley they set out for the night. 26.I. on a frosty day (-24°C) they passed lake Seydozero, climbed up river Chivruay and pitched a tent in the woods with hot supper.
Judging by the film later developed, it was snowing.
Despite the failing light of the short January day, they all started climbing the plateau.
In the diaries there are no records with motivation for such a decision.
There are no reasons for this hasty step: it was the beginning of the route, they had enough provisions, trekking the pass was planned for the next day.
They climbed the plateau on the northern path.
The wind was nasty, but blew in the back.
According to residents of the villages of Ilma and Puncha, wind speed reached 50 m/s.
The temperature fell sharply.
They crossed the plateau in darkness and stood at the precipice of the circus of Kitkuay river.
They didn't go down in the valley of Kitkuay river all together.
At first, probably, they stopped to reflect on the way.
Five people dressed warmly and left.
The remaining five, hoping that the scouts would return soon, spread out the tent and lay down on top of it.
They could not pitch up the tent because of the strong wind.
They didn't even bring they backpacks closer, or put on warmer clothes while waiting for the return of the ones that left.
They could, but for some reason they did not.
They were lying tight against each other.
The last on the windward side tried to cover himself with the tent.
Two of the scouts decided to return to the remaining group.
The young Novosenov gave all his warm clothes to his female companion, and he himself remained in checkered shirt.
Altshuler and his two comrades descended safely to the valley, but they found themselves in a trap: they could not reach the village without skis, and they did not have enough strength to go back against the wind.
The deadline of their return January 31 passed.
The blizzard and strong wind prevented the landing of rescuers on the plateau of Chevruay.
They got there on skis only on 6.II. 10 m from the cliff of the circus, five frozen bodies were found and not far away - two more.
From the inscriptions "KuAI" on the skis and a notebook it became clear these were the hikers from Kuibyshev.
The search for the rest continued throughout the month.
On February 27 in the valley of Kitkuay river at the exit from the gorge in 2 km from the circus were found two bodies, 10 m from each other.
Their watch stopped at about 5:00.
Only on 1.VI the last member, Altshuler, was found at the right slope of the gorge 400 m from the place where the last two found died.
He was warmly dressed, but without gloves.
His watch stopped at 4:33.
Nothing foretold troubles.
Every Saturday and Sunday of the autumn and the first month of winter the guys were together.
Four of the group: Misha Kuznetsov, Valya Zemlyanov, Lidia Martina, Ilya Altshuler - hikers with great experience, graduates.
The rest are freshmen, but not newcomers to tourism.
Only for Artyom Lekant this trip was the first in this category, and not a weekend trip.
They knew each other, daily communication at the institute, weekend training gave them emotional bond, they could feel each other and one might say sense the mood of the soul.
The routing commission under the chairmanship of Veniamin Mochalihin said: the group was well prepared, the team was united, almost the whole group came to the defense of the route; leader Mihail Kuznetsov has done three times this route, and his deputy Valentin Zemlyanov - twice.
And ... January 27 out of the blue came a message about the death of the entire group of the Kuybyshev Aviation Institute on Chivruay.
The beginning of the road, there was no reason to hurry, but, in all probability, they decided to get closer to the pass so they can go over before dark the next day, since the January days are short.
Residents of the village of Ilma said that on that day it was frosty, without wind.
On the films found in the backpacks of the hikers, it is clear that it suddenly began to darken and snowing quite a bit.
They crossed the Chivruay plateau and stood at the brink of the circus of Kitkuay river, literally 10 m from the cliff ...
And here it is very difficult to understand, guess, predict why the group split.
Something happened? Someone fell off the cliff and needed help, and so they acted, as would anyone have done, one for all and all for one?
Or unable to keep up with the time, dark, bad weather, they needed to explore ... they knew, felt that they were not far from the forest zone where they could make a fire.
The Chivruay tragedy was compared to the tragedy that occurred with students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute under the leadership of Igor Dyatlov in February 1959 in the Northern Urals.
Similarities between the incidents are a lot: the division of the group, death from freezing in a group and then one by one on the descent from a slope, freezing under similar conditions, and underdressed.
Both Chivruay and Dyatlov groups were blamed for hasty inappropriate decision to when to start a ascent etc.
By the duration and complexity of the search operations, the number of dead - 10 people - the Chivruay tragedy surpassed Dyatlov Pass incident near the Dead Mountain.
In addition we have the behavioral errors of tourists in the Northern Urals in 1959, their deaths were explained by other assumptions: military trials, UFOs, encounters with Yeti ...
As arguments for these mystical theories are pointed the concealment of search materials and the involvement of KGB in the search etc.
The darkening of the skin of those that died in the Northern Urals is identical to those that died in the Chivruay tragedy.
On January 27, 1973, there were no nuclear tests, but on that day, an attempt was done to break off a cyclone with the help of a meteor rocket to weaken the severe cold that it had brought.
In the cities of Kirovsk and Apatity, in the settlements of Ilma and Puncha, at that time, was recorded the highest death toll from freezing.
There was similarity in the fact that the search for for the hikers was undertaken by the military services of Kirovsk, and the authorities expressed their condolences to the parents of the deceased, and also that the parents of Mihail Kuznetsov and Sasha Novoselov were not allowed to conduct a private investigation.
On February 7, 2013, on an Grushin Thursdays, in the Valeriy Grushin's auditorium at Molodogvardeyskaya, 151, tourists and relatives of the victims gathered.
Much has been said about the students, about their friendship, about their youth.
We grew up and grew old, and they remained forever young, and only the guitar was silent this time.
We did not sing a single song. It's understandable - everybody and everything remained in the past.
* Place of the incident Kola Peninsula
1972 Valentin Zemlyanov playing the guitar
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Мистика и тайны перевала Дятлова: Похоже, будто Семена Золотарева переехал автомобиль

Такую версию трагедии на перевале почти всерьез высказал в эфире радио «Комсомольская правда» (97,2 FM) судебно-медицинский эксперт Эдуард Туманов
inx960x640.jpgСамым старшим участником рокового похода был 37-летний фронтовик Семен Золотарев

Зимой 1959 года в горах Северного Урала пропали девять туристов под руководством Игоря Дятлова.


Через месяц спасатели обнаружили их разрезанную палатку.


А в радиусе полутора километров от нее - пять замерзших тел.


Трупы остальных нашли только в мае.


Почти все туристы были разутые и полураздетые.


У некоторых - смертельные травмы.


До сих пор неясно, почему ребята убежали на лютый мороз и на свою погибель.


Самым старшим участником рокового похода был 37-летний фронтовик Семен Золотарев.


О нем мы писали не раз.


Семен – по паспорту, он же Александр (так Золотарев представлялся всем) родился на Кубани (станица Удобная) 2 февраля 1921 года – согласно паспорту.


А в церковной метрике дата его рождения – 1 марта 1921 года.


Семен закончил 10 классов.


По тем временам это уровень чуть ли не нынешнего профессора.


Комсомолец, активно занимающийся спортом.


Вряд ли такой интересный парень мог быть обойден вниманием силовых органов?


Думаем – нет.


Где на самом деле служил Золотарев во время войны, а может и после войны, пока загадка.


Документам верить нельзя.


В биографии Золотарев указывает, что он начал боевой путь с октября 1941 года в батальоне 1570 в составе 24-ой саперной бригады 8-ой саперной армии.


На самом деле этот батальон был сформирован только 1 апреля 1942 года.


Получается, что Семен полгода воевал в батальоне, которого не было.


Летом 1942 года батальон 1570 практически был разбит.


В живых осталось 15-20 человек.


291 человек числятся погибшими и пропавшими без вести.


Семен же за всю войну не получил ни одного ранения.


С августа по декабрь 1942 года Семен указывает, что воевал в 20 мотоинженерном батальоне в качестве командира отделения.


На самом деле указанный батальон существовал с 1-го сентября по 1-е ноября.


Распался из-за больших потерь.


Опять непонятно, где Семен воевал три месяца?


Остается только предполагать, что на самом деле служил он в таких секретных частях, оглашать которые нельзя в биографии даже после войны?


Конечно же, есть немало домыслов в связи с темным военным прошлым Золотарева, что на самом деле Семен мог погибнуть, а его документами воспользовался кто-то другой, похожий на нашего героя.


Есть, например, мутные сведения о старшем брате Семена – Николае, который работал у немцев, а под конец войны пропал без вести.


Но мы не беремся развивать эту тему, за неимением документов, фактов.



Могила Семена Золотарева - предположительно.Фото: АЛЕКСЕЙ БУЛАТОВ

Но если даже предположить, что под ликом Семена скрывался кто-то другой, то и тут всплывает загадка, ставящая нас в тупик.


Как у Семена, так и, предположительно, у двойника, не было на руках татуировок.


После войны Семен (или его двойник) вел уроки физкультуры, раздеваясь по пояс.


Ученики татуировок не помнят, как не помнят их и родственники Семена.


А вот у погибшего на перевале, который был обозначен как Семен Золотарев, оказались на руках странные татуировки: нечто похожее на свеклу или знак карты пик, а также непонятная аббревиатура «ДАЕРММУАЗУАЯ».


Лицо у погибшего на перевале, и обозначенного как Семен Золотарев, было неузнаваемо.


Потому до сих пор сомнения – того ли похоронили под памятником Семену Золотареву?


К тому же захоронение Золотарева вообще не отмечено в реестре кладбищ Екатеринбурга.


То есть, по документам, его в этом городе и не хоронили.


Это и побудило родственников Семена попросить нас провести эксгумацию и установить родство с помощью ДНК-экспертизы.


Мы, журналисты «КП», охотно взялись помочь им, чтобы в том числе изучить характер травм покойного.



Рабочие вскрывают могилу.Фото: АЛЕКСЕЙ БУЛАТОВ




Эксперт Эдуард Туманов на эксгумации не был, но он внимательно изучил фото, видео останков.


- Я не могу утверждать, - сказал Эдуард Викторович, - что мои выводы кардинально отличаются от выводов эксперта Никитина, который проводил эксгумацию.


Он очень грамотный эксперт.


Просто мы сделали то, что он на кладбище не делал.


Сопоставили повреждения с повреждениями, которые описывал эксперт Возрожденный в 1959 году в морге города Ивделя.

Совпало практически все.


Правда, Возрожденный, описывая металлические коронки, указал на одну больше.


Но один из зубов покрыт пломбой из металлической амальгамы на жевательной поверхности.


И можно допустить, что в условиях недостаточной освещенности он блеск амальгамы принял за металлическую коронку.


На эксгумации не нашли одного зуба.


Но это часто бывает, когда при извлечении черепа, выпадают зубы.


В песке их можно просто не заметить.


Что касается локализации переломов ребер, то, которое указал Возрожденный, и то, которое было выявлено при эксгумации скелета, полностью совпадают.



Судмедэксперт проводит предварительную экспертизу останковФото: АЛЕКСЕЙ БУЛАТОВ




- Но кое-чего нет в описании Возрожденного, - продолжает Эдуард Викторович.


- Он не описывает переломы лопатки, которые были выявлены на эксгумации.


Но это можно объяснить тем, что Возрожденный недостаточно полно исследовал труп, то есть не были вскрыты мягкие ткани спины, что следовало бы при этом виде экспертизы сделать при таких повреждениях.


Получается, что перелом ребер возник в результате компрессии (сдавления) груди в передне-заднем направлении, несколько по диагонали.


Это была компрессия каким-то достаточно твердым, тупым предметом с поверхностью, сопоставимой с поверхностью груди.


А перелом лопатки больше характерен для травматических воздействий каким-то предметом, чья травмирующая поверхность меньше поверхности лопатки.


- Можно сказать, что это были два удара по спине в область лопатки?


- Да, два удара.


Локализация повреждений лопатки позволяет предположить, что было не менее двух травматических воздействий в проекцию лопатки.


- А если предположить, что Семен упал на спину?


На склоне много острых камней.


- Можно гипотетически допустить, что он лежал, опираясь лопаткой на выступающие камни.


При этом на него шла компрессия груди спереди назад.


Но это уже большое допущение.


- Эксперт Сергей Никитин описывает в своем заключении, что Золотарев получил эти травмы, лежа на спине.


Предположим, что он лежал на спине в снежной пещере в овраге.


И на него обвалилась огромная масса снега.


Поломало не только ребра, но и лопатку, которую придавило на камни.


- Если бы там была твердая поверхность под телом, то сломались бы еще остистые отростки позвонков.


Но остистые-то не повреждены.


- А если предположить, что его убили двумя ударами в спину?


- Нет.


Переломы лопатки – это не смертельные переломы.


- Сразу видится картина.


На человека кто-то замахивается, палкой.


Он пытается увернуться и поворачивается как бы спиной.


И удар вместо головы приходится по верху спины, по лопатке.


- Как вариант.


Или просто человек стоит.


К нему подходят сзади, бьют той же палкой.


Насчет палки вы правильно отметили, потому что сломанный нижний край лопатки в области угла как раз мог быть сломан от удара предметом удлиненной формы.





- А еще у Семена, похоже, был перелом костей таза?


- Есть дефект правой подвздошной кости.


Отсутствует фрагмент.


Я не могу сказать – этот дефект уже изначально был, когда извлекли таз из могилы, либо образовался при извлечении.


- Но ведь не похоже, что кость повредили лопатой при раскопке.


- Не похоже.


Но определить прижизненный перелом или посмертный можно только в строго лабораторных условиях.


- Если предположить, что перелом подвздошной кости тоже прижизненный, как и переломы ребер, лопатки, какая складывается картина трагедии?


- Знаете, если бы мне просто представили описание повреждений, и я не знал бы обстоятельств дела, то сказал бы, что человека, скорее всего, переехал автомобиль.


Но, учитывая ситуацию в целом, я готов поверить в мистику.


Все переломы разные.


И это должно быть какое-то невероятное стечение обстоятельств, чтобы все травмы образовались, например, от схода на человека большой массы снега.


- А это могли быть удары?


- Нужно разделять повреждения.


Переломы ребер – это от сдавления.


Переломы лопатки – от ударов, два удара, как минимум.


Переломы подвздошной кости – это тоже удар.


К тому же перелом бедра тоже с правой стороны как ребра и лопатка.


- Можно ли сломать подвздошную кость ударом палки или приклада?


- Сложно сказать.


Ее можно сломать ударом ноги, если человек лежит.


Правда, сила удара должна быть очень большой.


- Взрывную волну рассматриваем?


- Исключаем.


Ни на одном погибшем нет признаком действия взрыва.


Но при этом фактически однотипных повреждений ни у кого нет.


Они все разные.


Есть вдавленный перелом черепа у Николая Тибо.


Есть переломы ребер, ну, немножко по другим анатомическим линиям.


У иных совсем нет повреждений костей скелета, но есть повреждение мягких тканей.


У кого-то вовсе не обнаружено повреждений.


- Что-то общее можно определить?


- Можно сказать, что те повреждения, которые отмечены у погибших – это действие твердых, тупых предметов либо с преобладающий, либо с ограниченной травмирующей поверхностью в зависимости от того, где такие повреждения локализуются.


То есть мы можем исключать там действия инфразвука, ультразвука, взрывной волны, радиации, психогенные факты.


Это мы все можем сразу отметать.


Это исключительно действие твердых тупых предметов.



Геолог Владимир Кузнецов работал в районе перевала Дятлова в 1968 годуФото: СКРИНШОТ ВИДЕО




Автомобиль на месте гибели ребят, конечно же, появиться не мог.


Однако рассуждения эксперта Туманова напомнили нам историю, которую рассказал однажды бывший геолог Владимир Кузнецов, который работал в районе перевала Дятлова в 1968 году.


- В конце августа мы попросились у нашего начальника на несколько дней сбегать на гору Отортен, потому что слышали от старших товарищей, что там есть бурые железняки на вершине, - вспоминает геолог. - А где бурые железняки, там возможно есть и медь, и золото.


Мы решили взять образцы.


Отправились впятером.


С нами три собаки.


И вот только перевалили хребет Черканур, сразу у всех появилось плохое ощущение.


Страх какой-то.


Будто кто на тебя сзади смотрит невидимый.


И кругом тишина и птиц не слышно.


Потом попала полоса лесоповала шириной километра два.


Пришлось по стволам идти просто.


Дошли почти до верховий Лозьвы.


Это километров пять северней от перевала Дятлова.


Осталось километров десять-пятнадцать до Отортена.


Решили заночевать.


Ночь не спали.


Пять человек, так вот, сидели у костра, дрожали, боялись.


А ведь все молодые.


Сколько раз в одиночку по тайге хаживали.


А тут такой непонятный страх.


На Отортен геологи так и не поднялись.


Решили вернуться обратно, особенно после того, как вдруг увидели размытый тракторный след.


- Гусеницы у него широкие, типа «Чебоксарца».


Откуда взялся? - удивляется Кузнецов.


- Сейчас я анализирую, там его никогда не могло быть.


Места глухие, там не рубили лес.


Непонятно, как мог туда трактор проехать по бездорожью?


Он начался возле маленького притока Лозьвы, а где закончился, неизвестно.


Мы не раз потом обсуждали, что это могло быть, но никаких вариантов не было.


Такой след могла оставить только техника.





В 1959 году судмедэксперт Борис Возрожденный, который вскрывал в морге тела дятловцев, отвечая на вопросы следователя, сказал: «Повреждения головы у Тибо могли быть результатом броска, падения или отбрасывания тела.


Я не полагаю, что эти повреждения Тибо мог получить при падении с высоты своего роста, т.е, что он поскользнулся и ударился головой.


Обширный, вдавленный, многооскольчатый и очень глубокий (перелом свода и основания черепа) перелом может быть результатом отбрасывания автомобилем, движущимся с большой скоростью или при прочей транспортной травме.


После такого удара он находился в состоянии тяжелой контузии головного мозга, т.е. был в бессознательном состоянии.


- Как можно объяснить происхождение повреждений (переломов ребер) у Дубининой и Золотарева - можно ли их объединить одной причиной?


- Они являются результатом воздействия большой силы, приблизительно такой, какая была применена в отношении Тибо".






Мы благодарим наших собеседников и продолжаем изучать тайну перевала Дятлова.


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Еще больше материалов по теме: «ПЕРЕВАЛ ДЯТЛОВА»


















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ПЕРЕВАЛ ДЯТЛОВА Трейлер Фильм Режиссёра: Сергей Даровский

➤ Дата Релиза : Картина выйдет на Экраны в 2019 году.

➤ Жанр : драма, триллер, история


ПЕРЕВАЛ ДЯТЛОВА Трейлер Дистрибьютор: D'art production © 2018 ✩ TPLT Produsction, D'art production, PROстранство






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