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Here is a great news for all Kitaro Lovers!!!!!

Kitaro will be on World Wide Tour from Fall 2013 through 2014!

He will go visit to Europe, South East Asia, South America, and more!

We would love to know what your favorite songs are, and what songs would you like to listen to in your town!!!

We posted a question board on Kitaro’s Facebook, so please check it out and vote for your favorite song!




These three songs in a red rectangle are the current TOP3.

There is a higher possibility that Kitaro will play those songs you voted!

Please don’t miss this opportunity!!!!!

We will keep updating details of Kitaro’s World Tour 2013, so keep your eyes on

Domo Music Group and Kitaro Official Facebook !!!


Żródło: http://www.domomusicgroup.com/blog/

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  • 4 months later...

Wynik głosowania z ankiety (grudzień 2012 r.):



Based on a Facebook poll in Dec. 2012, this song was the most popular song! "Theme from Silk Road" (this video is from Live in Yakushiji Temple in 2001)


What is YOUR favorite song?? :)





Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/Kitaro

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Kitaro - DVD ''Best Of Kitaro'' vol.1 (2001 r.)




Best Of Silk Road(CD)... http://bit.ly/ZHXA6H


Silk Road(DVD)... http://bit.ly/13zw52E


Kitaro... http://bit.ly/14JOQ7m


Domo Records... http://www.domomusicgroup.com/



Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/Kitaro

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Kitaro - CD ''Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai'' vol.1 (2003 r.)



NOW Domo Records is having"Ku-Kai" Special Sale!!!


if you buy a Ku-Kai box set, you can get a special gift of Kitaro's photo:)


Let's try this song today!



Michi from Ku-Kai Vol.1 .... http://bit.ly/10ogCxX


Kitaro .... http://bit.ly/14JOQ7m





Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/Kitaro

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Kitaro - CD ''Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai'' vol.1 (2003 r.)



NOW Domo Records is having"Ku-Kai" Special Sale!!!


if you buy a Ku-Kai box set, you can get a special gift of Kitaro's photo:)


Let's try this song today!



Kageroh from Ku-Kai Vol.1 .... http://bit.ly/10ogCxX


Kitaro .... http://bit.ly/14JOQ7m





Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/Kitaro

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Kitaro kilka dni temu informował, że najnowsza płyta CD/DVD ''Tamayura'' będzie jeszcze dostępna (z autografem Kitaro), no i jest... ale ostatnie sztuki :)


Only 4 available!!aktualizacja: już wszystko sprzedane :)

Click the link below then order it before it's gone!

(Autograph will be on the Front of the album cover:)not the back page)

Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/Kitaro

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  • 2 weeks later...

10 września 2013 r. ukaże się nowy album Kitaro - ''Final Call'' poniżej okładka i spis utworów.





Final Call is the story of an epic voyage of hope that all living creatures can

someday live happily in harmony with each other.



01.Final Call

02.Jupiter’s Beam


04.Shadow Of The Moon Traveler

05.Valley Of The Spirit

06.After Glow

07.Wind From The Desert

08.Moment Circle

09.Whispering Shore

10.Solar Eclipse


Żródło: http://www.domomusic...w-release-2013/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Afternoon.


Don't forget about Kitaro's upcoming album "Final Call" release date is September 10th, 2013!!!






-Album info-

Final Call.... http://www.domomusicgroup.com/blog/2013/05/28/kitaro-new-release-2013/


-Artist Info-

Kitaro.... http://bit.ly/14JOQ7m


Domo Records http://www.domomusicgroup.com/



Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/Kitaro

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  • 3 weeks later...

“We see music, and we listen to pictures”


This is what Kitaro said at the end of his book,

“Kitaro with the earth”



This photo book contains pictures of Kitaro’s former Studio in Colorado, “Mochi Studio”, and wonderful landscape from that studio.


Those amazing landscape always inspired Kitaro to make music.




The Cover Art of Grammy Award winning album “Thinking Of You” was created based on this picture.




He often went out side and record those nature sounds and took pictures.






This 25 page book is a stylish collection that draws on dozens of breathtaking images of Colorado and his home studio.


This limited edition book is accompanied with a CD sampler (including unreleased live version of “Mercury”) of music inspired by some of these images.


Book Size: 8 inch (20 cm) x 9 inch (23 cm)

25 Pages Full Color

Published in 2000

MADE IN JAPAN (All the words Written in Japanese)


If you need more info of this book and sampler CD, go check out Domo store.




Żródło: http://www.domomusicgroup.com/blog/2013/07/10/we-see-music-and-we-listen-to-pictures/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dziś, tj. 24 lipca 2013 r. Kitaro zaktualizował baner główny na swoim profilu na Facebooku o zdjęcie z nadchodzącego nowego albumu ''Final Call''; tym samym rozpoczyna się akcja marketingowa promująca nowy album Kitaro - ''Final Call'' (premiera już we wrześniu 2013 r.).


Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/Kitaro

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What Does “Final Call” Represent?



The album, Final Call, is a departure from Sacred Journey of Ku-kai.


While Kukai was originally inspired by 9/11 and constructed and recorded as a means to unify all people, Final Call is a project to concern about how we treat the planet.


It’s Kitaro’s assertion the planet itself is crying out and warning us about potential serious consequences if we don’t address these global issues in a timely fashion.


The music on Final Call is a CALL TO ACTION and a journey / voyage of introspection for the listener to help everyone discover methods to treat our planet better and put those methods into practice.


Final Call is, in other words, Kitaro’s respect for our earth.



The official release date is September 10th!


Please keep checking our website and Kitaro’s Facebook for updates!





Żródło: http://www.domomusicgroup.com/blog/2013/07/25/what-does-final-call-represent/

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  • 2 weeks later...




[Message From Kitaro for FINAL CALL]



I have always felt we all must respect the providence of the Universe.


Unfortunately, through the course of time and the growth of civilization, many living creatures that we now know will become extinct.


If we don’t alter how we treat each other and our planet Earth, many habitats and portions of this earth may become devastated and eventually disappear.


After meeting Professor Kazunari Shibata, at Kazan Observatory at Kyoto University, nature photographer Mr Toshio Ushiyama and the staff at Nagoya Science Museum, I had an epiphany of sorts.


I began to recall the greatness of constellations, our solar system, galactic systems, the macrocosms that they create and the beauty of our planet Earth.


As in the story of Noah’s Ark, this album is the story of an epic voyage…


A voyage of hope that all living creatures can someday live happily in harmony with each other.


The story begins from where we board for departure.



Bon Voyage – Kitaro



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Żródło: http://www.domomusicgroup.com/blog/2013/08/07/kitaro-final-call-pre-orders-will-start-soon/

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