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Pre-ordery na najnowszy album Kitaro - Final Call (premiera już 10 września 2013 r.) ruszyły pełną parą!

Poniższe zdjęcie przedstawia wydania dla zasobnych portfeli oraz prawdziwych kolekcjonerów.


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Poniżej próbka utworu "Wind From The Desert" z nadchodzącego, najnowszego albumu Kitaro - Final Call.



"Wind From The Desert" by Kitaro :arrow: https://soundcloud.c...from-the-desert


Here's an exclusive preview from his upcoming September 10th album release, Final Call

#‎Kitaronetwork #‎domomusic





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Poniżej próbka utworu "Whispering Shore" z nadchodzącego, najnowszego albumu Kitaro - Final Call.



"Whispering Shore" by Kitaro :arrow: https://soundcloud.c...hispering-shore


Here's an exclusive preview from his upcoming September 10th album release, Final Call

#‎Kitaronetwork #‎domomusic





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Użytkownicy serwisu iTunes i miłośnicy muzyki w cyfrowej formie (ja się akurat nie zaliczam; w tym względzie wolę fizyczne wydania), dobra wiadomość, najnowsza płyta Kitaro - Finall Call dostępna także w iTunes!



Great News for iTunes Users!


Final Call is available for Pre-Order at iTunes store!!


You will be able to download "Winds from the Desert" right now!!!!


Check out!




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Poniżej próbka utworu "Yo-En" z nadchodzącego, najnowszego albumu Kitaro - Final Call.



"Yo-En" by Kitaro :arrow:


Here's an exclusive preview from his upcoming September 10th album release, Final Call

#‎Kitaronetwork #‎domomusic





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Beautiful Nature and the beautiful song..


"The Light Of The Spirit"


Feel the nature.


Share this beautiful clip with your friends.



#kitaronetwork #kitaro #domomusic #thelightofthespirit #nature #newage




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Kitaro Event at Japanese Alps


POSTED ON 09/06/2013



Kitaro has been performing at Mt. Fuji every year for over decades.


This year, he will perform at North Alps in Japan to express appreciation to the great Earth.


Kitaro will continuously play the TAIKO from sunset to sunrise with other artists playing various instruments.


Join Kitaro and make a great summer memories!

  • Audience participation is encouraged to play the TAIKO!
  • You can bring your own tent, foods or telescope for viewing the stars.
  • This is FREE event open to the public.

Date: September 19th, 2013 Sunset till Sunrise on 20th

Location: Maruyama Park, Shingyo, Miasa, Omachi-shi, Nagasaki 399-9101, Japan

Cost: FREE



• It will be cold after sunset. Please bring jackets, blankets and raincoats.

• Bring your Bachi (Drumsticks) and taiko if you would like to play with Kitaro.

• You can join or leave the event whenever you would like to. However, there is no staff in the parking after 9pm. If you plan to come after 9pm, please call our staff, Katsuda (phone:090-8852-9142) in advance and let him know the time of your arrival.

• Please park your car in the parking area. Do not park on the street.

• Event venue is close to the residential area. Once you arrive at the parking, please follow our staff to get to the event. Please do not bother neighbors.

• Please check in at the entrance and place your Taiko or instruments where you are instructed.

• It is about 12 hours event. We encourage participants to bring snacks or some foods.

DO NOT forget bringing plastic bags for your garbage. KEEP CLEAN THE NATURE!




Shingo, Miasa, Omachi-shi

TEL : 0261-23-1713


Please note: The proceedings of the this event include Kitaro’s prayer for Mt. Fuji, and the sacred drumming of the Taiko to express appreciation of the great Earth.


Your participation in this Event is strictly voluntary, at your own risk, and that you are freely choosing to participate.


We are not responsible for any injury, loss, claim, damage, or any direct, incidental or consequential damages of any kind.



アルプス讃歌 2013


日時 : 2013年9月19日(木)夕刻 〜 20日(金)日の出 (荒天中止)

場所 : 長野県 大町市美麻新行丸山公園運動場




アルプスの山々に感謝の思いを託し、奉納演奏を 9月19日(木)夕刻から20日(金)日の出まで、一晩中行ないます。

詳細はこちら Kitaro Official Artist Page



Żródło: http://www.domomusic...-japanese-alps/

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10 września 2013 r. ma światową premierę najnowszy album Kitaro - ''Final Call''.



Trailery najnowszego albumu Kitaro - Final Call


wersja japońska


wersja angielska (ogólnoświatowa)

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Today is the official release day of "FINAL CALL"!!!

For those who haven't got the album yet, it is available at

Domo Store

#finalcall #kitaronetwork #kitaro #newage #newrelease #domomusic



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Dziś mija kolejna rocznica wydarzeń z 11 września 2001 r.


Oto słowa Kitaro na ten temat:


Every year of today, 9/11, brings me sorrow for all victims and their families and friends.


Let's take a moment of silence and remember this historical heartbreaking day.


Meanwhile we need to bring humanity back and start to love each other as well as our mother Earth, which is main message of my new album, "FINAL CALL".




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Dziś, tj. 13 września 2013 r. doszła do mnie przesyłka z USA (dokładnie z Los Angeles) z zamówionym (w pre-orderze, w połowie sierpnia br.) najnowszym albumem Kitaro - Final Call.


Pora zanurzyć się w świat muzyki Kitaro, a można się sporo nauczyć ;)

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Są już pierwsze recenzje najnowszego albumu Kitaro - Final Call.

Final Call album review at Reviews New Age

#kitaro #kitaronetwork #finalcall #newage #domomusic


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Przemówienie Kitaro z okazji wręczenia nagrody Grammy (za album Thinking of You) w 2001 r.




Have you seen Kitaro's award acceptance speech from 43rd Grammy Award 2001 "Thinking Of You" - Best New Age Album?!?!


Share and enjoy!


#grammyaward #kitaro #newage #domorecords #thinkingofyou




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Kitaro's Impressions Of The West Lake live performance with Chinese singer Jane Zhang (张靓颖).


Kitaro also had a chance to work with one of the most well-known Chinese directors, Zhang Yimou ( 张艺谋)and preformed in a number of Chinese cities.


Share this great piece of art with others!



#kitaro #domorecords #newagemusic #janezhang #zhangyimou




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Our all time favorite song "Theme From Silk Road"


Performing at the one of the most ancient and important shines in Japan must be honored...


Please share this amazing moment with your friends!



#kitaronetwork #kitaro #concert #silkroad #domomusic #izumotaisha




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Poniżej próbka utworu "Valley Of The Spirit" z najnowszego albumu Kitaro - Final Call.



"Valley Of The Spirit" by Kitaro :arrow: https://soundcloud.c...y-of-the-spirit


#‎Kitaronetwork #‎domomusic




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Utwór ''After Glow'' z najnowszego (ukazał się 10 września 2013 r.) albumu Kitaro - Final Call






You can listen to all songs (short ver.) from Final Call on Youtube!


If you haven't got Final Call yet, please listen to all songs.


You will love this album.


#finalcall #kitaro #kitaronetwork #newagemusic #Youtube #domonetwork #domorecords




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