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Z uwagi na zainteresowanie artystą Andreas Vollenweider i jego muzyką, postanowiłem rozwijać ten temat :)

W tym temacie zamieszczam ''przedruki'' ale te najciekawsze z oficjalnych stron Andreas Vollenweider:




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01. December 2014

Any news from Andreas?

No, Andreas isn't sleeping!

Yes, he's fine!

And yes, he is highly creative!

There will be interesting new music!

And… Andreas has even expanded his fields of creativity!

However we must ask you to still be patient for a while, but the long waiting will have been worthwhile...

In the meantime you may wander around our new website and on our Facebook page.

Your feedback is warmly welcomed!

Thanks again for your patience and support


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Andreas Vollenweider współpracuje z Andy Wright (producer)


JULY 20, 2014


After a fabulous 25 year career of writing and producing albums which bought him 15m sales and a Grammy,


I am currently working with Andreas on a forthcoming project.


An incredible experience for me and I am really proud of the results so far.


I met Andreas at his house to talk about working together and left believing that if nothing else happened I had the privilege of watching him play for me .


His experience and calm in the studio brings out the best in me and I hope it is the beginning of a long term friendship and collaboration.




















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Andreas Vollenweider - dalsze informacje o współpracy, tym razem: Gavin Goldberg (mixer)


With over 15 million albums sold over a career spanning 25 years, Andreas is the consumate artist' artists.


His upcoming album, which I had the pleasure of mixing, is both artistcally ambitious and effortlessly gettable!

I wish I could include a clip here, but it's all very top secret at the moment, I'm afraid.



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Dear Friends !



no news is good news!

I am so sorry to keep you waiting for such a looong time.

But "no news really IS good news this time"!

I am still working intensely on the many lose ends of a new project, which is bigger and more complex than anything I have ever done so far.

All I can do now, is to ask you to please bear with me, to trust me and extend your patience once more.

Be assured; as soon as we can we'll fill you in on all what’s going on.

In the meantime I hope that you continue to listen to our music, which will keep us connected until...

With deep respect and gratitude

Andreas Vollenweider






















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Dziś swoje 64. urodziny obchodzi Andreas Vollenweider


Andreas Vollenweider (ur. 4 października 1953 w Zurychu) – szwajcarski muzyk, kompozytor i multiinstrumentalista.


Jego utwory były uznawane za różne rodzaje muzyki w tym world music, jazz, new age czy nawet muzykę poważną; dwa z jego albumów zajmowały pierwsze miejsce na liście Billboard równocześnie w kategoriach utworów poważnych, jazzowych i muzyki pop.

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Andreas Vollenweider - dlaczego nic jeszcze nie słychać?


Oto odpowiedż Andreasa na zapytanie fana z dnia 23 lutego 2019.


Zapytanie fana:


23. February 2019

Tim Tonway

So many people poor their hearts out to you (or this site) and receive nothing in return. So many fans but we have not heard the truth as to what is happening with your life. Seems to be a problem relating the truth to your fans, just tell us, we can handle it.



Odpowiedż od Andreas Vollenweider:



23. 02. 2019

Andreas Vollenweider

Why so suspicious, my friend? The "truth" is quite simple! I am just running WAY behind schedule with my work, but catching up, oh yes! Believe me, I have never worked so hard in my long life ;-)
Just to clarify: I am perfectly healthy and happy, and the only time I am not working on this very complex new project, I am enjoying my first grandchild.
So there is no dark secret that we want to keep from you. Be patient, trust me, you will understand the long wait once you see and hear the result.
In the meantime, there's work to do: help to save the world, be well, enjoy the music, until you hear from me… when the time has come.
Best regards, Andreas




















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Oto kolejna odpowiedż Andreasa z dnia 18 sierpnia 2019.
Was geht?



(18.08.2019 23:12)


Ja, es geht mir wirklich gut und ich bin noch immer exxxxxxtreeeem fleissig! Die einzige Freizeit verbringe ich wenn möglich mit meinem superherzigen Enkelkind...
Seid alle herzlich gegrüsst vom Andreas
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  • 1 miesiąc temu...

Dziś swoje 66. urodziny obchodzi Andreas Vollenweider

Andreas Vollenweider (ur. 4 października 1953 w Zurychu) – szwajcarski muzyk, kompozytor i multiinstrumentalista.

Jego utwory były uznawane za różne rodzaje muzyki w tym world music, jazz, new age czy nawet muzykę poważną; dwa z jego albumów zajmowały pierwsze miejsce na liście Billboard równocześnie w kategoriach utworów poważnych, jazzowych i muzyki pop.

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06. December 2019





Finally - in spring 2020: be prepared...



After more than ten years finally some exiting news from Andreas Vollenweider about the fruits of his intensive work

A lot of new music has been created...



The first album of a series will be released in spring 2020

  • with the young cellist Isabel Gehweiler and the pioneer drummer of the Vollenweider-Music Walter Keiser
  • besides the harp Andreas also plays the piano (rarely heard)
  • calm, contemplative music, subtle, touching and yet powerful and dynamic
  • more volumes with unreleased music will follow!


And what's awfully long been awaited by many



Andreas Vollenweider & Friends in Concert



And on we go: the musical storyteller now introduces



his first novel

  • 500 pages, with audio book, read by Christoph Gaugler, among others with music by Andreas and Johann Sebastian Bach, in German
  • Exciting, rich in imagery, audacious, surprising, in tune with the zeitgeist
  • First released in the German-speaking area
  • autumn 2020 it will be available in English as well.


















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Frühling 2020: nach mehr als 10 Jahren, endlich wieder News von Andreas Vollenweider.

Mach Dich bereit für viel

neue Musik, Konzerte und seinen ersten Roman.

Alles rollt nun an, auf unserer Webseite gibt es laufend neue Informationen.

Żródło: https://www.facebook...LI9y7IQ&fref=nf

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Nach gut zehn Jahren gibt es endlich Neuigkeiten von Andreas Vollenweider, der auf seiner eigenen Webseite schreibt:

„Ich hab’s Euch ja gesagt – ich was sehr fleißig.“

Andreas Vollenweider
FOTO: Promo/impactmusic

Andreas Vollenweider & Friends gastieren am Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020, ab 20 Uhr auf der Insel Grafenwerth.

Das erste Album einer ganzen Serie wird Vollenweider zufolge im Frühjahr 2020 veröffentlicht.

Mit dabei sind die junge Cellistin Isabel Gehweiler und der „Ur-Schlagzeuger“ der Vollenweider-Musik, Walter Keiser.

Neben der Harfe wird Andreas (nur selten gehört) auch Piano spielen.

Mit den beiden begibt sich Andreas Vollenweider wieder auf „Klang-Reisen“.

Das Konzert am 4. Juni 2020 auf der Insel Grafenau ist ein exklusives Ereignis für Deutschland in 2020 und das erste Konzert nach mehr als zehn Jahren Pause

Die New York Times hat einmal geschrieben: “Vollenweiders Musik ist wie die Volksmusik eines geheimnisvollen Stammes eines unbekannten Landes auf einem noch nicht entdeckten Kontinent.

Andreas Vollenweider hat mit der Harfe sein eigenes Instrument geschaffen, einen eigenen Stil, ein unverkennbares musikalisches Vokabular, darüber ist die Musikwelt sich einig.“

„Erwarten Sie kein vergeistigtes Harfenrezital“


Vollenweiders Musik liegt zwischen World Music, Jazz, New Age, Neo-Klassik und Art-Rock, Zwei seiner Alben waren gleichzeitig elf Wochen lang Nummer 1 der Billboard Charts in den Kategorien Classical, Jazz, Pop und Crossover.

Neben der Harfe spielt er auch Piano, Orgel, Gitarre, eine Vielzahl verschiedener Blasinstrumente sowie viele exotische Instrumente.

Begonnen hat alles anfangs der 80er Jahre mit einem Trio.

Danach folgten fast vierzig Jahre, in denen Andreas Vollenweider seine Barocke Seite ungehemmt auslebte, bis hin zu großen symphonischen Projekten.

Nun hat er wieder zurückgefunden zu der kraftvollen Schlichtheit der Trioformation.

„Aber erwarten Sie kein vergeistigtes Harfenrezital!

Das Ganze bewegt sich vielmehr zwischen einem Kammermusik- und einem Rockkonzert.

Sie werden sehr schnell vergessen, dass hier nur drei Leute auf der Bühne wirken“, so Vollenweider, der mit seinem Instrument selbst größte Hallen mit seinem mächtigen Sound mit Leichtigkeit zu füllen vermag; ultra-tiefe Bässe, hypnotische Grooves, kristallklar, melodisch, bewegend.

Das Spektrum seines Schlagzeugspiels reicht von subtil, feinmaschig bis temperamentvoll furios.

Walter Keiser schafft damit auch in luftig-fliegenden Passagen stets die Verbindung zum Boden.

Cellistin Isabel Gehweiler, deren Spiel auf unbeschreiblich intensive Weise zu berühren vermag, sprengt, ohne jede künstliche Verfremdung, den klanglichen und dynamischen Rahmen ihres Instrumentes und hinterlässt immer wieder die Frage: höre ich hier tatsächlich ein Cello?



Dazu Vollenweider: “Diese Formation erlaubt uns viel freie Improvisation, wir können uns treiben lassen und der Musik folgen, so wie sie sich in jedem Moment selbst erschafft.

Dadurch entsteht viel Neues und Überraschendes, auch für uns Spieler, es sind geheimnisvolle Momente, die auch nicht wiederholbar sind.

Auf diesen Klang-Reisen treffen wir jedoch auch immer wieder auf alte Bekannte, auf Songfragmente und Zitate aus früheren Alben und Programmen.“




















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And there is more - AVAF live again - starting in June 2020
Andreas Vollenweider & Friends - in Concert 2020
The 35th anniversary concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival on the 7th of July 2011 was the last public concert of AVAF.
After that Andreas went into a retreat and continued his work in silence.
Now the time has come to bring his passion and joy of playing back to the outside world full of energy.
What is to be expected?
The Experience (for the uninitiated):
Forget everything you ever thought you knew about the harp!
Music critics worldwide agree that Andreas Vollenweider has developed a unique instrument, a unique sound, and an unmistakable musical style.
Do not expect an ethereal harp recital!
It's more like something between chamber music and a rock concert.
You will also forget very quickly that there are only three people on stage…
The Cast:
Andreas Vollenweider's instrument is easily able to fill even the largest of concert venues with its powerful sound, ranging from ultra-deep bass tones and hypnotic grooves to crystal-clear melodies with haunting intensity.
Once more, Andreas uses his entire arsenal of instruments: his legendary electric harp,
Chinese and African harps, ethnic wind instruments and other surprises.
He moves through these musical spaces with two companions:
Young German cellist Isabel Gehweiler's performances are able to touch her audience in an indescribably consuming manner.
She, too, breaks through the sonic and dynamic limits of her instrument without the necessity of artificial effects.
Her music invariably provokes listeners to question whether it is actually the voice of a cello that they are hearing.
Every now and then, Isabel's own bell-like voice rings out and floats over her rich tapestry of sound.
Drummer Walter Keiser has been the heartbeat of Vollenweider's music since the very beginning.
His musical spectrum ranges from the subtle and finely crafted to the temperamental and furious.
Even in airy, floating passages, he manages to create a secure connection to the rhythmic ground.
Various elements of percussion as well as some tasteful programming are also part of Walter's colourful palette of sound.
The Music:
It is truly a unique world of sound: melodic, poignant, intimate, emotional, forgiving, untethered without compromise, and fascinatingly unfamiliar.
From aching simplicity to fiery virtuosity, it is both soothing and powerful at the same time.
More than ever before, the music invites you on an inner journey, to pause and reflect and gather new strength.
Those are exactly the qualities that originally made this music world-renowned.
Along with plenty of new musical creations, on this journey we will also meet old friends.
Fragments and citations from legendary pieces of earlier albums and programs will take on new guises in this trio formation.
There is also plenty of space for improvisation; the music will be just as new and full of surprises at every performance for both the listeners and the musicians themselves.
The Sound:
Ever since the early 80s, audio professionals have always agreed that the Vollenweider sound has set new standards of excellence worldwide, also for live concerts.
Therefore, it will be especially pleasing to the audiophiles among you to discover that the original sound crew is still involved, and will once again make sure that the concerts become an unsurpassable sound experience.




















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Oto informacja o występie (materiał video już nie jest dostępny...) Andreasa Vollenweidera z 9 listopada 2019 r., gdy nie było jeszcze oficjalnego komunikatu z 6 grudnia 2019 r. o powrocie:



Saturday, November 9, 2019


The legendary Andreas Vollenweider – live at Guschti Schönbächler’s Music Party, Ennenda GL, Switzerland.

Andreas Vollenweider & Friends will be back in spring 2020

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Oto zaktualizowana wiadomość z 6 grudnia 2019 r.



O nowym albumie:



The first album in a series will be released in spring 2020:


  • featuring young German cellist Isabel Gehweiler and Walter Keiser, the heartbeat of the Vollenweider-Music
  • aside the harp Andreas also plays the piano (rarely heard)
  • calm, contemplative music, subtle, touching, moving yet also powerful and dynamic
  • further volumes of previously unpublished music will follow!



O koncertach:


  • new and legendary songs in the usual majestic sonic quality; ultra-deep basses, hypnotic grooves, crystal-clear, melodies with haunting intensity
  • with Isabel Gehweiler and Walter Keiser
  • the first concert since 10 years is open-air and will take place on June 4, 2020, on Grafenwerth Island in the Rhine River, near Bonn, Germany
  • tickets:
  • more concert dates will follow. But please note: We will not be able to visit all countries and regions. So there will be no extended tours from city to city, as there used to be, but only a few selected concerts in very special settings. So if you would like to be part of this experience, please take advantage of the opportunities we are going to communicate on this site, even if the location might not be in your direct neighborhood.



O książce:


  • 500 pages (in German) with an audio book, read by Christoph Gaugler, music by Andreas Vollenweider, Isabel Gehweiler and Johann Sebastian Bach
  • exciting, rich in imagery, adventurous, surprising, in tune with the zeitgeist
  • to be released in the German-speaking areas,
  • it will also be available in English in the autumn of 2020



















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