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Successful vernissage





On October 8, 2020, a reception was held in Zurich Switzerland, to celebrate the release of the new album and the novel, including concert and reading.


Isabel Gehweiler, Walter Keiser and Andreas enchanted the invited audience with new music from the album as well as all time favorites.


In addition the actor Christoph Gaugler, the voice of the audio book* «Im Spiegel der Venus», performed excerpts from Andreas' first novel.


The evening was recorded on video and will be shown at the upcoming mini-concerts on YouTube.








* The english version of the audio book is currently being produced and will be announced soon.



















Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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Next LIVE@HOME - mini concerts from AVOs recording studio in Switzerland:

21 October 2020 at 20:00 CEST

The next LIVE@HOME mini-concert will take place on October 21.


This time with excerpts and impressions of the album vernissage of October 8th - featuring cellist Isabel Gehweiler and percussionist Walter Keiser.

Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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«Im Spiegel der Venus»* - The first novel of Andreas Vollenweider is out now!
A visually powerful, gripping story about the creative interrelation of consciousness, imagination and reality.


*The english version of the audio book is currently being produced and will be announced soon.




















Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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Andreas on the upcoming LIVE@HOME Super Special mini concert on October 21st, 2020

Andreas invites to the Super Special mini concert #10, 8th of October 2020 at "the millers" theatre, Zurich, Switzerland on October 21st, 20:00 Zurich (CEST), 2pm New York, 11am, San Francisco


Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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GivingTuesday2020 mit Andreas Vollenweider



Am internationalen GivingTuesday dreht sich alles ums Helfen, Schenken, Spenden und Teilen.
Wir schenken einen Song von Andreas Vollenweider.
Direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause!
GivingTuesday is about helping, giving, contributing and sharing.
We give a song by Andreas Vollenweider.
Directly to your home!
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Next LIVE@HOME - mini concerts from AVOs recording studio in Switzerland:

26 December 2020 at 20:00 CEST


The next mini-concert will take place on 26 December 2020.


What we all are missing in these difficult times is closeness and the signals of connectedness.


With the mini-concert #11 Andreas would like to invite you to immerse yourself in the music and allow it to help you to find comfort and confidence within.

















Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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«Music and storytelling are the real super-boosters for our most important human ability: our imagination!»






Music for a contemplative winter time


«Quiet Places» – the long-awaited new opus by Andreas Vollenweider was published more than two months ago.

It has received great acclaim worldwide.

The quiet, contemplative and soulful music is captivating, it radiates hope and touches the heart of the spirit of the times – especially now in this holiday season which is contaminated by the fear of Corona.

It reminds us: the driving force for good fighters for «the better» is hope..!

Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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Andreas Vollenweider - mini concert today!



LIVE@HOME - mini concert #11

A special version of a song from long ago.
«These Hearts Of Gold» was a song on the album VOX.
Because of our current «lock down situation» we had to come up with a «trick» to still play together.

December 26, 2020, 20:00 Zurich (CEST), 2pm New York, 11am San Francisco





«What we are all missing in these difficult times is closeness and the signals of connectedness.


But let us not forget that it is the connectedness with ourselves that really is important.


It is the appreciation for ourselves that gives us the strength to get through all this until we can hug each other again.


With the mini-concert #11 I would like to invite you to immerse yourself in the music and allow it to help you to find comfort and confidence within.»

















Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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7 maja 2021 r., ukaże się kolejny album ze wznawianej dyskografii Andreasa Vollenweidera:

Andreas Vollenweider - Dancing With The Lion (1989 r.)

Andreas Vollenweider - Dancing With The Lion


  • Unto the Burning Circle
  • Dancing with the Lion

  • Hippolyte

  • Dance of the Masks

  • Pearls and Tears

  • Garden of my Childhood

  • Still Life

  • And the Long Shadows

  • See, my Love...

  • Silver Dew, Golden Grass

  • Ascent from the Circle

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Concert on Insel Grafenwerth postponed to 2022


15 April 2021

Due to the Covid19-Situation the concert on Insel Grafenwerth in Bad Honnef, Germany, had to be postponed for another year.


New Date: June 5th 2022



Tickets already purchased will remain valid or will be refunded.


Please contact your ticket seller directly: https://www.bonnticket.de/ or https://www.eventim.de/



















Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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Coming soon: The AVAF Digital Concert Hall





We are excited to announce: the venue for upcoming as well as historic live concerts from 40 years of Andreas Vollenweider & Friends - the AVAF Digital Concert Hall!


On June 6, 2021 Andreas invites you to the opening of his new web portal, «Digital Concert Hall».


Besides new concerts by Andreas Vollenweider & Friends in various formations, filmed at special locations, you will be able to enjoy historical events such as the AVAF-anniversary-concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival 2011 as well as concert videos from 40 years of AVAF, all in full length.


In addition, interesting master classes, readings, lectures and free mini-concerts by Andreas are on the program of this new digital stage.

Further information will be announced in the next few weeks here on the website, in the newsletter and on the social media channels.



















Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/en

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