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Es werde noch weitere Konzertdaten folgen.

Aber Achtung: Es ist uns leider nicht möglich, alle Länder und Regionen zu besuchen.

Es wird also keine ausgedehnten Tourneen von Stadt zu Stadt geben, so wie das früher war, sonder nur einige ausgewählte Konzerte in speziellem Rahmen.

Wenn Ihr also dabei sein möchtet, nehmt die Gelegenheiten bitte unbedingt wahr.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!



More concert dates will follow.

But please note: We will not be able to visit all countries and regions.

So there will be no extended tours from city to city, as there used to be, but only a few selected concerts in very special settings.

So if you would like to be part of this experience, please take advantage of the opportunities we are going to communicate on this site, even if the location might not be in your direct neighborhood.

We're looking forward seeing you...!



















Żródło: https://www.facebook...iderandfriends/

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  • 2 tygodnie później...
4.6. - AVAF on romantic island in the river Rhine
AVAF in picturesque scenery, a special experience!
04.Juni 2020 20:00 Uhr
Insel Grafenwerth, NRW, Germany
Eventim: Original-Tickets bei EVENTIM!
It is truly a musical world of its own; melodic, touching, intimate, emotional, conciliatory, uncompromisingly unbound, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirring virtuosity, calming and powerful at the same time.
More than ever before this music invites you to a journey inside, to pause and reflect, to gather new strength.
This is exactly why this music became world famous.
Besides a lot of new music, we also meet old acquaintances, fragments and quotations of legendary songs from earlier albums and programs, in new appearance in this trio formation.
And since there is a lot of room for free improvisation, the music is new every day and full of surprises for listeners and musicians alike.
The new music is inspired by the story of Vollenweider's first novel, "Im Spiegel der Venus", which will be released in May. (English translation ready in the fall 2020)
Of course Andreas plays his harp and here and there the piano, the young cellist Isabel Gehweiler slips with her haunting and powerful playing "under our skin", and every now and then Walter Keiser joins in with filigree grooving drums.
Let yourself be enchanted by the unique acoustics, which are made for the music of Andreas, Isabel and Walter.



The island of Grafenwerth



















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22.7. - AVAF at the Blue Balls Festival, Luzern, Switzerland
At the fantastic KKL "Konzertsaal" in Luzern, Switzerland
Legendary acoustics, just perfect for this music!
Am 22. Juli 2020, 20:00





















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Newsletter 02 / 2020



Andreas Vollenweider & Friends


After almost ten years finally some exiting news from Andreas Vollenweider



Andreas is getting ready to present to you what has been created during the years of retreat in the deep forest



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calm, contemplative music, subtle, touching, moving yet also powerful and dynamic
featuring Isabel Gehweiler on cello and Walter Keiser on drums.


Scheduled for 22nd of May






Concerts – Andreas Vollenweider & Friends 2020


There will also be concerts again.


But be aware: we will not be able to make extensive tours from city to city as in the past, but only some selected, special places.


Maybe an opportunity for an exciting little journey?



Concert dates




Do. 4. June 2020 on the super-romantic island of Grafenwerth, in Bad Honnef near Bonn (Germany), under a hopefully cloudless night sky!


Tickets or Original-Tickets at EVENTIM!




Mi. 22. July 2020 am Blue Balls Festival in the fantastic KKL concert hall in Lucerne (Switzerland)


The world-famous acoustics are perfect for this music!






A Novel





l The novel „Im Spiegel der Venus“


After almost forty years of successful musical work, Andreas Vollenweider is venturing on a new, great adventure - his first novel!


450 pages, first release in German, Print and eBook.


Also available as AudioBook with lots of music, narrated by Christoph Gaugler.


Scheduled for 22nd of May, Release of the English translation scheduled for fall 2020.





visit our website




















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  • 4 tygodnie później...

Oto ostateczna wersja okładki, nowy wydawca oraz... lista utworów!





Lista utworów:


1. Pygmalion

2. Polyhymina
3. The Pyramidians
4. Entangled
5. Come to the Quiet Place
6. Venus in the Mirror
7. Bella Smiling
8. Wanderung
9. Sculpture
10. Fields of Blue
Nowy wydawca:
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  • 2 tygodnie później...
Andreas Vollenweider: Comeback am Blue Balls
von Viviane Widmer
- Nach fast 10 Jahren Konzertpause feiert Andreas Vollenweider sein Comeback auf Schweizer Boden am Blue Balls Festival.

Er ist der mit Abstand erfolgreichste Schweizer Musiker.


Andreas Vollenweider hat seit seinem Konzertdebüt am Montreux Jazz-Festival 1981 über 15 Millionen Platten verkauft, 500 Konzerte auf der ganzen Welt gespielt und als erster Schweizer einen Grammy gewonnen.


Seit 2013 wurde es aber etwas ruhig um den Zürcher Musiker, Komponist, Produzent und Arrangeur.



infobox_1.pngAndreas Vollenweider & Friends


Er erweitere sein kreatives Schaffensfeld, hiess es auf seiner Webseite.


Genau dies tat er, denn nun wagt sich Andreas Vollenweider auf ein grosses neues Abenteuer: Im Frühling erscheint sein erster Roman «Im Spiegel der Venus».


Das Buch erzählt die Geschichte über das Geheimnis hinter der Wirkung von Musik.


Inspiriert vom Thema des Romans erscheint auch sein neues Album «Quiet Places» Ende Mai.


Seine neue Musik stellt er am 22. Juli 2020 gemeinsam mit der jungen Cellistin Isabel Gehweiler und dem Ur-Schlagzeuger der Vollenweider-Musik, Walter Keiser am Blue Balls Festival in Luzern vor.



Tickets für das Konzert gibt es bei Starticket und



















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AVAF on romantic island in the river Rhine



AVAF in picturesque scenery, a special experience!

New date: 05.September 2020, 8pm

Insel Grafenwerth, NRW, Germany



Due to the current situation the promoter unfortunately had to postpone the concert

New date is 5.9.2020 - 8pm

The tickets already purchased will remain valid!


Eventim: Original-Tickets bei EVENTIM!

It is truly a musical world of its own; melodic, touching, intimate, emotional, conciliatory, uncompromisingly unbound, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirring virtuosity, calming and powerful at the same time.

More than ever before this music invites you to a journey inside, to pause and reflect, to gather new strength.

This is exactly why this music became world famous.

Besides a lot of new music, we also meet old acquaintances, fragments and quotations of legendary songs from earlier albums and programs, in new appearance in this trio formation.

And since there is a lot of room for free improvisation, the music is new every day and full of surprises for listeners and musicians alike.

The new music is inspired by the story of Vollenweider's first novel, "Im Spiegel der Venus", which will be released in May. (English translation ready in the fall 2020)

Of course Andreas plays his harp and here and there the piano, the young cellist Isabel Gehweiler slips with her haunting and powerful playing "under our skin", and every now and then Walter Keiser joins in with filigree grooving drums.

Let yourself be enchanted by the unique picturesque scenery, which is perfect for the music of Andreas, Isabel and Walter.




















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  • 2 tygodnie później...

Oto informacja o występie (materiał video jest znów dostępny...) Andreasa Vollenweidera z 9 listopada 2019 r., gdy nie było jeszcze oficjalnego komunikatu z 6 grudnia 2019 r. o powrocie:


AVAF live on November 9, 2019, at Gusti Schönbächler’s Music Party, Ennenda, Switzerland

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  • 2 tygodnie później...

CANCELLED: - AVAF at the Blue Balls Festival, Luzern, Switzerland



We deeply regret, the entire Blue Balls Festival had to cancelled.


We will let you know as soon as we have news.



At the fantastic KKL "Konzertsaal" in Luzern, Switzerland

Legendary acoustics, just perfect for this music!

Am 22. Juli 2020, 20:00




















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6. June 2021 - AVAF on romantic island in the river Rhine

AVAF in picturesque scenery, a special experience!

New date: 06.June 2021, 8pm

Insel Grafenwerth, NRW, Germany

The tickets will remain valid or will be refunded directly by the ticket seller from which you purchased them.

Due to the current situation the promoter unfortunately had to postpone the concert

Eventim: Original-Tickets bei EVENTIM!
It is truly a musical world of its own; melodic, touching, intimate, emotional, conciliatory, uncompromisingly unbound, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirring virtuosity, calming and powerful at the same time.
More than ever before this music invites you to a journey inside, to pause and reflect, to gather new strength.
This is exactly why this music became world famous.
Besides a lot of new music, we also meet old acquaintances, fragments and quotations of legendary songs from earlier albums and programs, in new appearance in this trio formation.
And since there is a lot of room for free improvisation, the music is new every day and full of surprises for listeners and musicians alike.
The new music is inspired by the story of Vollenweider's first novel, "Im Spiegel der Venus", which will be released in May. (English translation ready in the fall 2020)
Of course Andreas plays his harp and here and there the piano, the young cellist Isabel Gehweiler slips with her haunting and powerful playing "under our skin", and every now and then Walter Keiser joins in with filigree grooving drums.
Let yourself be enchanted by the unique acoustics, which are made for the music of Andreas, Isabel and Walter.


The island of Grafenwerth


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Unfortunately, all of our upcoming live activities have been stopped by the CoVid19 Pandemic


Andreas Vollenweider & Friends - in Concert

The 35th anniversary concert at the Montreux Jazz Festival on the 7th of July 2011 was the last public concert of AVAF.

After that Andreas went into a retreat and continued his work in silence.

Now the time has come to bring his passion and joy of playing back to the outside world full of energy.

What is to be expected?

The Experience (for the uninitiated):

Forget everything you ever thought you knew about the harp!

Music critics worldwide agree that Andreas Vollenweider has developed a unique instrument, a unique sound, and an unmistakable musical style.

Do not expect an ethereal harp recital!

It's more like something between chamber music and a rock concert.

You will also forget very quickly that there are only three people on stage…

The Cast:

Andreas Vollenweider's instrument is easily able to fill even the largest of concert venues with its powerful sound, ranging from ultra-deep bass tones and hypnotic grooves to crystal-clear melodies with haunting intensity.

Once more, Andreas uses his entire arsenal of instruments: his legendary electric harp,

Chinese and African harps, ethnic wind instruments and other surprises.

He moves through these musical spaces with two companions:

Young German cellist Isabel Gehweiler's performances are able to touch her audience in an indescribably consuming manner.

She, too, breaks through the sonic and dynamic limits of her instrument without the necessity of artificial effects.

Her music invariably provokes listeners to question whether it is actually the voice of a cello that they are hearing.

Every now and then, Isabel's own bell-like voice rings out and floats over her rich tapestry of sound.

Drummer Walter Keiser has been the heartbeat of Vollenweider's music since the very beginning.

His musical spectrum ranges from the subtle and finely crafted to the temperamental and furious.

Even in airy, floating passages, he manages to create a secure connection to the rhythmic ground.

Various elements of percussion as well as some tasteful programming are also part of Walter's colourful palette of sound.

The Music:

It is truly a unique world of sound: melodic, poignant, intimate, emotional, forgiving, untethered without compromise, and fascinatingly unfamiliar.

From aching simplicity to fiery virtuosity, it is both soothing and powerful at the same time.

More than ever before, the music invites you on an inner journey, to pause and reflect and gather new strength.

Those are exactly the qualities that originally made this music world-renowned.

Along with plenty of new musical creations, on this journey we will also meet old friends.

Fragments and citations from legendary pieces of earlier albums and programs will take on new guises in this trio formation.

There is also plenty of space for improvisation; the music will be just as new and full of surprises at every performance for both the listeners and the musicians themselves.

The Sound:

Ever since the early 80s, audio professionals have always agreed that the Vollenweider sound has set new standards of excellence worldwide, also for live concerts.

Therefore, it will be especially pleasing to the audiophiles among you to discover that the original sound crew is still involved, and will once again make sure that the concerts become an unsurpassable sound experience.


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  • 2 tygodnie później...

Andreas Vollenweider & Friends - Pojawił się oficjalny kanał na YouTube i...


LIVE@HOME 1 "Within"

Data premiery: 13.05.2020, 20:00



Some music from Andreas' studio in Switzerland, in these interesting times.


He is going to be your tour guide on your adventurous journey to your inner space, to your "Caverna Magica" - the most interesting and exiting place to be.


So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride...



LIVE@HOME 2 ''Behind the Gardens'' free form 2020

Data premiery: 20.05.2020, 20:00



Andreas is playing a "free form" version of the legendary song Behind the Gardens...



LIVE@HOME 3 "Come to the Quiet Place"

Data premiery: 27.05.2020, 20:00



This is a "free-form-version" of a song from the new album "Quiet Places".


Andreas plays live in his studio in Switzerland



LIVE@HOME 4 ''inwards-outwards-onwards''

Data premiery: 03.06.2020, 20:00



Andreas Vollenweider playing in his studio in Switzerland

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Andreas Vollenweider & Friends - nowa strona www


On the outside, everything was very quiet for almost 10 years.


But Andreas was very creative during this time - and just when he wanted to share the fruits of this work with you, the virus hit the whole world.


Until all the releases are re-scheduled and Andreas can perform live concerts again, he invites you for special musical treats on a regular base, played live, directly from his studio in Switzerland.

A music that could not be more fitting in these crazy times.

Now that we can’t explore the outer world as we were used to, it invites us to turn around and go within.

So stay healthy, sit back and enjoy the journey...

We will keep you informed about the next mini-concerts and other exciting new developments on the website through regular Newsletters.


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Andreas Vollenweider - Quiet Places


Premiera nowego albumu 2 pażdziernika 2020







A New Album!


«Quiet Places»



Music for precious and quiet moments


Andreas Vollenweider, harp, piano - Isabel Gehweiler, cello - Walter Keiser, drums & percussion.


Music, inspired by the theme of the novel; captivating, yet calm, contemplative, subtle, moving, yet powerful and dynamic.



Release: beginning October 2020



10 thematic improvisations, calm, moving, intimate, personal, close.

Of course Andreas plays his harp and here and there the piano, the young cello player Isabel Gehweiler slips "under our skin" with her haunting, soulful and vibrant playing and now and then Walter Keiser joins in with filigree grooving drums.

QUIET PLACES is a musical treat for precious, quiet moments, for the more subtle feelings, a source of strength for the wild ride out there in the crazy world…


photo credit: René Ruis


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LIVE@HOME - mini-concerts

from AVOs recording studio in Switzerland


13 May

13 May 2020 at 20:00:00 CEST

Some music from Andreas' studio in Switzerland, in these interesting times, to guide you in your adventurous journey to your inner space, to your "Caverna Magica" - the most interesting and exiting place to be.


So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride... (New York: 2pm, San Francisco 11am)



20 May

20 May 2020 at 20:00:00 CEST

The 2nd Mini-Concert: Andreas is playing in his studio in Switzerland (New York: 2pm, San Francisco 11am)



27 May

27 May 2020 at 20:00:00 CEST

The 3rd Mini-Concert:


Andreas is playing in his studio in Switzerland (New York: 2pm, San Francisco 11am)



3 Jun

3 June 2020 at 20:00:00 CEST

Andreas Vollenweider playing in his studio in Switzerland (New York: 2pm, San Francisco 11am)




















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Więcej o książce: Andreas Vollenweider - Reflections of Venus
The Novel

«Reflections of Venus»



After almost forty years of successful working in the field of music, Andreas Vollenweider is venturing on a new, great adventure - his first novel!



A visually powerful, gripping story about the creative interrelation of consciousness, imagination and reality.





430 pages, initial release in German, Print and eBook.



The novel is currently being translated to english.



All release dates and informations will be announced timely.









photo credit: René Ruis



A hymn to the creators of reality: Consciousness and Imagination


The story

Buenos Aires, 1958.

The protagonist is a young Armando Hector Ruiz, son of legendary tango dance partners Isabel Gomez and Manuel Ruiz. Armando reveals astonishing abilities never before experienced, let alone in a young child.

Not only can he deeply touch people with his exotic, wondrous music, but the terminally ill who listen begin to experience spontaneous healing.

The public interprets these occurrences as miracles, and by the age of nine the child prodigy is now lauded as a messiah.

While representatives of religion, politics and science ridicule the phenomenon, the world soon falls at Armando’s feet, and the basic values of society are shaken as never before.

Armando's powers of imagination enable him to consciously shift the boundary between thought and its physical manifestation.

Through his music, he conveys thoughts to listeners in a way that is capable of setting amazing events into motion.

Soon the dominant topic in the world is The Wonder of Buenos Aires.

In short order, Armando is chased by a fanatical public as he tries to understand his gifts and must flee his homeland.

Traumatized, deep doubts grow within Armando as he matures; doubts about the world, himself, music and his gifts—and especially about his relationship with an enigmatic young woman.

Soon, the sum of his doubts toxifies his music with catastrophic results.

Death and destruction are unleashed.

Confronted with the true nature of consciousness and reality — at what are extraordinary costs — a surprising twist unfolds.

The Background

During the Age of Enlightenment, thinkers such as Newton, Hume, Kant, Locke, Leibnitz, Descartes and Spinoza were consumed with the nature of consciousness as it pertained to the manifestation of reality.

At the end of the 19th century such theorizing gained additional momentum through debates of quantum theory with scientists such as Planck, Einstein, Pauli, Heisenberg and Bohr.

More recently this discourse has experienced an impressive renaissance.

The VENUS REFELCTION captivates as it explores these topics.

At the center of the story is the power of imagination, the most important basic force in all creative processes.

Imagination is also the most important human ability, because what we cannot imagine we cannot perceive, and what we cannot perceive simply does not exist for us.

Please note: “Reflections of Venus” is currently being translated to english.

Release dates will be announced timely.


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Więcej o audiobooku: Andreas Vollenweider - Reflections of Venus



Audio Book


«Reflections of Venus»



The english version of the audio-book, (17 hours) with lots of music from Vollenweider, Gehweiler, Bach, Chopin, Myaskovsky, Liszt and Beethoven is being produced summer 2020.




The novel is currently being translated to English.



All release dates and informations will be announced timely.







photo credit: René Ruis


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