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Andreas Vollenweider - aktualności


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Andreas Vollenweider - Quiet Places

Lista utworów i ich czas


1: Pygmalion 4:05 min

2: Polyhymina 5:10 min

3: The Pyramidians 4:50 min

4: Entangled 4:08 min

5: Come to the Quiet Place 4:03 min

6: Venus in the Mirror 3:17 min

7: Bella Smiling 4:00 min

8: Wanderung 4:21 min

9: Sculpture 3:38 min

10: Fields of Blue 4:11 min

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Dziś, godz. 20:00

LIVE at HOME - mini concert #1

Until all the releases are re-scheduled and Andreas can perform live concerts again, he invites you for special musical treats on a regular base, played live, directly from his studio in Switzerland.




On the outside, everything was very quiet for almost 10 years.
But Andreas was very creative during this time - and just when he wanted to share the fruits of this work with you, the virus hit the whole world.
Until all the releases are re-scheduled and Andreas can perform live concerts again, he invites you for special musical treats on a regular base, played live, directly from his studio in Switzerland.
A music that could not be more fitting in these crazy times.
Now that we can’t explore the outer world as we were used to, it invites us to turn around and go within.
So stay healthy, sit back and enjoy the journey...




















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Andreas Vollenweider, the Swiss harpist, wanderer in and between the musical worlds, who has created his own unmistakable musical universe, is back in the public eye, full of energy, after almost ten years of retreat, but also a creative high point.
Vollenweider, that is the Grammy winner, winner of the Swiss Music Award, the World Music Award and the Edison Award.
Two of his albums were simultaneously number 1 in the US Billboard Charts for eleven weeks in the categories Classical, Jazz, Pop and Crossover.
The Zurich-based musician has worked with the two American singers Carly Simon and Eliza Gilkyson, with vocal acrobat Bobby McFerrin, with Carlos Nunez and Abdullah Ibrahim, among others.
He has toured the world and in 1994-1996 he sang duets with Luciano Pavarotti and rock singer Bryan Adams in Modena (Italy).
On his “return”, Vollenweider will be fully supported by the label Made in Germany – Music – MIG – which will proudly return his extensive catalogue to its original sound, but also publish his new works and thus make his worldwide fan base happy.
Yes, there is a lot of new stuff from Andreas and these are not only new albums but also a novel, “Im Spiegel der Venus”, which will also be released this autumn.
Part 1 of the musical realization of the novel’s contents and messages will be the new album “Quiet Places”, which will be released on Oct.2.2020.
This record will be followed by part 2 “Slow Flow” and part 3 “Dancer”.
Manfred Schütz, Managing Director of MIG music, explains: “For our team it is an incentive and an honor to work for an artist with such potential and to accompany him on his further artistic path – we are already looking forward to unique concerts and musical works of the same kind for eternity.”
Since the concerts planned by Andreas Vollenweider for this year cannot take place for the time being for the well-known reasons, Andreas will be broadcasting a “mini-concert” every Wednesday at 8 pm live on YouTube directly from Zurich to the fan living rooms.
More information about this can be found at, where you can also catch up on missed shows.
The album “Quiet Places” will be released on October 02, 2020 and can be pre-ordered now!





















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Andreas on the upcoming LIVE@HOME mini concert on May 20th 2020


Short Message from Andreas Vollenweider regarding his first Live@Home #mini-concert and the upcoming mini-concert on May 20th 2020, 20:00 CET, 2pm New York, 11am, San Francisco







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Andreas on the upcoming LIVE@HOME mini concert on May 27th 2020


Short Message from Andreas Vollenweider regarding his first Live@Home #mini-concert and the upcoming mini-concert on May 27th 2020, 20:00 CET, 2pm New York, 11am, San Francisco



















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Andreas on the upcoming LIVE@HOME mini concert on June 3rd 2020

Short Message from Andreas Vollenweider regarding his first Live@Home #mini-concert and the upcoming mini-concert on June 3rd 2020, 20:00 CET, 2pm New York, 11am, San Francisco


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Next LIVE@HOME Mini Concerts estimated June 17th and July 1st.

We are overwhelmed by the enormous echo to these first 4 mini-concerts.

Andreas would like to make some technical adjustments in his studio, which would allow him to use all his many instruments and to also have his musician friends joining him.

For this reason we have to skip the next event.

We will keep everyone informed about the progress.




















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The mini concerts extended...
Next LIVE@HOME mini concerts scheduled June 24th and July 8th.


We are overwhelmed by the enormous echo to these first 4 mini-concerts.
Andreas would like to make some technical adjustments in his studio, which would allow him to use all his many instruments and to also have his musician friends joining him.
For this reason we have to skip the next event.
We will keep everyone informed about the progress.




















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Andreas on the upcoming LIVE@HOME mini concert on June 24rd, 2020


Short Message from Andreas Vollenweider regarding the upcoming mini-concert on June 24rd, 20:00 Zurich (CEST), 2pm New York, 11am, San Francisco




















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Jutro tj., 3 lipca 2020 r., ma miejsce początek wznowienia dyskografii Andreasa Vollenweidera i ukażą się albumy:


Andreas Vollenweider - Behind the Gardens - Behind the Wall - Under the Tree (1981 r.)


Andreas Vollenweider - Caverna Magica (1983 r.)




Andreas Vollenweider - Behind the Gardens - Behind the Wall - Under the Tree





“Behind The Gardens – Behind The Wall – Under The Tree” is the first album by Andreas Vollenweider, which after its release in 1981, provided the worldwide breakthrough of the exceptional artist and brought millions of sales.
At the request of the artist, M. i. G. – music will re-release the album in the original sound dress of the early 80s without bonus tracks and without artificially high BIT rates.
Behind the Gardens, Behind the Wall, Under the Tree... 07:20
Pyramid - In the Wood - In the bright Light 07:52
Micro-Macro 02:49
Skin & Skin 03:22
Moonlight wrapped around us 00:59
Lion & Sheep 02:54
Sunday 02:04
Afternoon 00:44
Hands & Clouds 02:30
Total: 30:38 Min.
Andreas Vollenweider - Caverna Magica
“Caverna Magica” is the second studio album of world-music artist Andreas Vollenweider, originally released in 1983.
It is almost completely instrumental and was the direct successor of Vollenweider’s groundbreaking album “Behind the Gardens”.
The album begins with the sound of the steps of a man and a woman speaking in an unknown language (some of the words – especially in Spanish – can be recognized when the title is played backwards) and then stumble into a reverberating cave and react with awe.
The sound of the dripping water in the cave is transformed into the rhythm of the music that fades away at that point.
While the album originally stood on its own, it and the previous and subsequent albums (“Behind the Gardens – Behind the Wall – Under the Tree” and “White Winds”) were re-released in 1990 as a double CD set entitled “Trilogy”, suggesting that together they formed a single musical entity.
Caverna Magica 03:51
Mandragora 03:12
Lunar Pond 02:10
Schajah Saretosh 03:27
Sena Stanjena 02:29
Belladonna 05:20
Angoh! 02:45
Huiziopochtli - Con Chiglia 05:07
Geastrum Coronatum 04:15
Pace Verde 05:44
Total: 38:24 Min.
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Andreas on the upcoming LIVE@HOME mini concert on July 8th, 2020

Short Message from Andreas Vollenweider regarding the upcoming mini-concert on July 8th, 20:00 Zurich (CEST), 2pm New York, 11am, San Francisco


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Next LIVE@HOME - mini-concerts from AVOs recording studio in Switzerland:

22 July 2020 at 20:00 CEST

The 7th mini-concert, Andreas Vollenweider playing in his studio in Switzerland


12 August 2020 at 20:00 CEST

The 8th mini-concert, Andreas Vollenweider playing in his studio in Switzerland


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Andreas on the upcoming LIVE@HOME mini concert on July 22nd, 2020

Short Message from Andreas Vollenweider regarding the upcoming mini-concert on July 22nd, 20:00 Zurich (CEST), 2pm New York, 11am, San Francisco


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Next LIVE@HOME - mini-concerts from AVOs recording studio in Switzerland:



19 August 2020 at 20:00 CEST


The 8th mini-concert.


This time drummer Walter Keiser will join Andreas Vollenweider!


















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25 września 2020 r., ukażą się kolejne albumy ze wznawianej dyskografii Andreasa Vollenweidera:

Andreas Vollenweider - White Winds (1984 r.)

Andreas Vollenweider - Down To The Moon (1986 r.)

Andreas Vollenweider - White Winds


Andreas Vollenweider - Down To The Moon


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