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Vangelis - Rosetta - Album Trailer (Extended) (2016 r.)



Inspired by the Rosetta Mission, an extraordinary and ground-breaking project by the European Space Agency [ESA] to land a probe on a comet for the first time in history, Vangelis has composed this suite of inter-connected music especially for ESA.
The album marks the culmination of the 12-year mission in September 2016 and accompanies some incredible footage captured by the probe.
“Mythology, science and space exploration are subjects that have fascinated me since my early childhood.
And they were always connected somehow with the music I write.” – Vangelis
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Vangelis - Rosetta (2016 r.)





Vangelis: Rosetta Timeline




Inspired by the Rosetta Mission, an extraordinary and ground-breaking project by the European Space Agency [ESA] to land a probe on a comet for the first time in history, Vangelis has composed this suite of inter-connected music especially for ESA.
The album marks the culmination of the 12-year mission in September 2016 and accompanies some incredible footage captured by the probe.
“Mythology, science and space exploration are subjects that have fascinated me since my early childhood.
And they were always connected somehow with the music I write.” – Vangelis
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Vangelis - Nocturne (2019 r.)





Vangelis: Nocturnal Promenade




Vangelis new album will be released on 25th January 2019 on Decca Records and is a soothing collection of solo piano pieces, recorded in his inimitable style.
There are 11 new tracks as well as brand new versions of his iconic hits including Chariots of Fire and the ‘Love Theme’ from Blade Runner.
Vangelis himself records on a grand piano for the first time.
‘Nocturne’ is Vangelis first new album in two years and includes a host of new piano compositions inspired by night time and his long-held passion for space.
Among the new tracks are such beautiful pieces as ‘Nocturnal Promenade’, which opens the album and is the first single, as well as ‘Through the Night Mist’, ‘Sweet Nostalgia’ and ‘Lonesome’.
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#bladerunner #vangelis #synth #sequentialcircuits #Prophet10


This rarely seen monster analog synth is by far one of nicest vintage synthesizers 1f3b9.png1f3b9.png.
The #Prophet10 is a truly fat and classic analog instrument.
Used throughout the 1980's by names like #Vangelis #Tangerinedream, etc..
























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#Vangelis has always considered himself first and foremost a servant of music.


He composes every day to serve the music ...




Ο Βαγγέλης πάντα θεωρούσε τον εαυτό του πρώτα απ' όλα υπηρέτη της μουσικής.


Συνθέτει κάθε μέρα για να υπηρετεί τη μουσική ...























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#Vangelis : " We are living in a cultural #dark age of musical pollution.


You put the #radio on, and five minutes later you need an #aspirin." ..



#ΒαγγέληςΠαπαθανασίου: «Ζούμε σε μια πολιτισμική σκοτεινή εποχή μουσικής ρύπανσης.


Βάζεις το #radio, και πέντε λεπτά αργότερα χρειάζεσαι μια #ασπιρίνη.
























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#Vangelis the #GreekMaestro @ work in his #studiolaboratory




ο Βαγγέλης ο Έλληνας Μαέστρος @ εργασία! στο στούντιο του με τα μοναδικά συνθεσάιζερ του























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#happybirthday 25 october #jonanderson !


Here with Vangelis in 1981 in "Friends of Mr Cairo".







Jon and Vangelis was a music group made up of the English singer Jon Anderson (the lead vocalist of the progressive rock band Yes) and Vangelis.


The duo released four albums between 1979 and 1991.



















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Greek 1f1ec_1f1f7.png Bicentennial 1821-2021- #vangelis Music 1f3b9.png

OXI- NO-NON !! National Greek Day
1f1ec_1f1f7.png Today we celebrate Ohi Day - Anniversary of the No!
This holiday commemorates Greece's refusal to yield to the Axis powers in 1940.
Χρόνια πολλά Ελλάδα! 1f1ec_1f1f7.png
OXI - NON : Il fait référence au 28 octobre 1940 où l'ambassadeur d'Italie en Grèce a déposé un utlimatum à la Grèce : soit la Grèce accepte que l'armée italienne occupe la Grèce soit l'Italie (alliée de l'Allemagne nazie) déclare la guerre à la Grèce.
OXI fut donc la réponse du gouvernement grec et le lendemain matin les troupes italiennes commençaient l'invasion de l'Epire (province grecque) à partir de l'Albanie qui était à l'époque sous leur protectorat.
S'en suivit une guerre étrange entre deux peuples très proches et où l'envahisseur éprouvât les pires difficultés.
Dans l'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale, cette situation a joué un rôle fondamental parce qu'elle retarda fortement l'invasion de la Russie par l'Allemagne.
En effet, celle dernière dut venir à la rescousse de l'Italie pour "mater la Grèce".
Ils n'y parvinrent jamais vraiment.
Les Italiens étaient-ils si "incompétents" dans leur guerre ?
Je pense surtout qu'ils n'étaient pas très motivés à faire la guerre avec leurs cousins Grecs.
OXI - NO ! It refers to October 28, 1940 when the Italian ambassador to Greece deposited an utlimatum to Greece: either Greece accepts that the Italian army occupies Greece or Italy (ally of Nazi Germany) declares the war on Greece.
OXI was therefore the response of the Greek government and the next morning the Italian troops began the invasion of Epirus (Greek province) from Albania which was at the time under their protectorate.
A strange war ensued between two very close peoples and where the invader experienced the worst difficulties.
In the history of the Second World War, this situation played a fundamental role because it greatly delayed the invasion of Russia by Germany.
Indeed, the latter had to come to the rescue of Italy to "subdue Greece".
They never really succeeded. Were the Italians so "incompetent" in their war?
Above all, I think that they were not very motivated to go to war with their Greek cousins.



















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"I thought to put emphasis on the characteristics of Jupiter / Zeus and Hera / Juno that according to the Greek Theogony, had a special relationship.


I felt that I should present Zeus / Jupiter only with sound, as the musical laws transform chaos into harmony, which moves everything and life itself.


Unlike, for Hera / Juno, I felt the need for a voice.


Angela Gheorghiu represents in this historical depiction of the mission to the planet Jupiter, Hera / Juno, in a breathtaking way." - Vangelis



















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#Vangelis used #synthesizers in a style described as “symphonic electronica.”


Melodic and simple but memorable progressions with some folk elements.






The relationship between Vangelis and his iconic #YamahaCs80 synth is an interesting one:

“ [The CS80 is] the most important synthesizer in my career — and for me the best analogue synthesizer design there has ever been…
It’s the only synthesizer I could describe as being a real instrument, mainly because of the keyboard — the way it’s built and what you can do with it” explained Vangelis.
[The CS80 is] the only synthesizer I could describe as being a real instrument, mainly because of the keyboard — the way it’s built and what you can do with it.” #Vangelis



















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#Vangelis is unlike any other musician we’ve ever seen !






#ThankYouVangelis @universalObserver, Nov 06 2021




Ο #Βαγγέλης δεν μοιάζει με κανέναν άλλο μουσικό που έχουμε δει ποτέ !



















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"Orchestration, composition - they teach these things in music schools, but there are some things you can never teach.
You can't teach creation." #Vangelis
#Vangelis in 1970 @ Studio Europa Sonor, Paris.
Album released in 1973.



















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#Vangelis #RidleyScott #BladeRunner



[Roy:] "I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe, hmmm.
... attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I've watched C Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.
All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain..."



















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#Vangelis: "Taking lessons in an instrument is something that is opposite to what I believe.


Every instrument is able to talk to you – if you want it to of course."






#Vangelis : "And you can have a conversation with it – it is like making love if you like.


When you take lessons in an instrument, you are taught how to play, so you lose any personal contact.


You play the way someone else has shown you to."



















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Vangelis - Themes (1989 r.)


1. End Titles From Blade Runner

2. Main Theme From Missing

3. L'Enfant

4. Hymn

5. Chung Kuo

6. The Tao Of Love

7. Theme From Antartica

8. Love Theme From Blade Runner

9. Opening Titles From The Bounty

10. Closing Titles From The Bounty

11. Memories Of Green

12. La Petite Fille De La Mer

13. Five Circles

14. Chariots Of Fire

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