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#Βαγγέλης: «Δεν κάνω καμία διάκριση μεταξύ ηλεκτρονικής και ακουστικής μουσικής.

Η μουσική με κάνει να χρησιμοποιώ ότι χρειάζεται.


#VangelisPapathanassiou / #ΒαγγέληςΠαπαθανασίου

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" I function as a channel from which Music emerges from the chaos of noise " #Vangelis






"Je fonctionne comme un canal à partir duquel la musique émerge du chaos du bruit" #Vangelis



Βαγγέλης Παπαθανασίου: "Λειτουργώ ως ένα κανάλι από το οποίο η μουσική αναδύεται από το χάος του θορύβου"



















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Music dominates the Universe.


It is the prime force.


It has given shape to Space.







Η μουσική κυριαρχεί στο Σύμπαν.


Είναι η πρωταρχική δύναμη.


Έχει δώσει σχήμα στο Διάστημα.



Vangelis Papathanasiou / Βαγγέλης Παπαθανασίου
























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" I'm a composer.


I know nothing about money and commercial stuff.


I just write music."



#vangelis #bladerunner #synthesizers




"Είμαι συνθέτης.


Δεν ξέρω τίποτα από λεφτά και εμπορικά πράγματα.


Απλά γράφω μουσική."



Vangelis Papathanassiou / Βαγγέλης Παπαθανασίου. #synthesizers #greekmaestro

























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The Yamaha Cs80 synthesizers of Vangelis...


Paris , 2 years ago !


Τα συνθεσάιζερ Yamaha Cs80 του Βαγγέλη...
Παρίσι, πριν 2 χρόνια!



















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The number SIX is interrelated with the planets Earth and Jupiter, as well as the Universe itself, and is characterized by Pythagoras as the first perfect number; the only sign of perfection in the tangible world.


Ο αριθμός «6» είναι αλληλένδετος με τους πλανήτες Γη και Δίας, καθώς και με το ίδιο το Σύμπαν, και χαρακτηρίζεται από τον Πυθαγόρα ως τον πρώτο τέλειο αριθμό.


το μόνο σημάδι τελειότητας στον απτό κόσμο.



















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Ο #Βαγγέλης: τα "έμφυτα μουσικά του ταλέντα" αναγνωρίστηκαν στην ηλικία των τεσσάρων (4) ετών.


Δύο χρόνια αργότερα, μόλις 6 ετών, έδωσε την πρώτη του δημόσια παράσταση, παίζοντας τις δικές του συνθέσεις στο πιάνο.


Αυτό ήταν εξαιρετικό για ένα μικρό παιδί χωρίς καμία επίσημη μουσική εκπαίδευση ...























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Oceanic is a 1996 studio album by Vangelis.


It was released in Europe on October 25, 1996.



#Vangelis was personally involved in the sleeve design, as he used to be in the late seventies and early eighties .
"Songs of the Seas" is a beautiful composition by Vangelis .
Vangelis Papathanassiou / Βαγγέλης Παπαθανασίου



















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Ο #Βαγγέλης ήταν μια τεράστια έμπνευση για μένα να αρχίσω να φτιάχνω μουσική μόνος μου.


Ως μικρό παιδί, θυμάμαι να ακούω τα σπουδαία έργα του όταν ο πατέρας μου το έπαιζε δυνατά στο σπίτι, όπως άρματα της φωτιάς, "Opera Sauvage", "Ανταρκτική" και "Blade Runner".


Ακόμα ακούω πολύ τη μουσική του.



#ArminvanBuuren ( Φεβρουάριος 2021)







It was an incredible honour to meet one of my big heroes and one of the founders of what we now call the electronic music scene.


After I took a PCR test, I met him in his house and asked him loads of questions and I'm even more amazed than I was before I met him.


A day I will never forget.


Vangelis was a huge inspiration for me to start making music myself.


As a little kid, I remember listening to his great works when my father played it loud in the house, like Chariots of Fire, Opera Sauvage, Antarctica & Blade Runner.


I still listen to his music a lot.



#ArminvanBuuren (February 2021)



















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Jon & Vangelis - Horizon - From the 1983 album "Private Collection".


Peace will Come





#Lyrics :


In amongst the rings of confusion
Silencing the thought powers one by one
It seems all so incredible
Our own ability to confuse - to sacrifice
To enlighten like a Shakespearian play
We foolish and happily hold on to sanity
While all around the pushing
And prodding of our feelings
The twisting and turning of our hearts
Displaying an almost indefinable strength
Of purpose - a reason, a reason, a reason
Where no reasons seems to exist
Yet, as in a vision, a voice transcending
All our imagination, jewel of life
Guiding light heralding a joyous new dawn
Clear and gifted time
Divine Nature - Super Nature
The supreme gift of knowledge and space
In this cacophony of life
Peace will Come
Peace will Come
Peace will Come
Will Come
Peace will Come
Peace will Come
Peace will Come
Will Come true Horizon
Come true Horizon
Come true Horizon
Come true Horizon


Reach for the starlight

Reach when it calls you
You, you are the reason
If you want
You are the answer in the end
Sweet music, and your secret heart
Both have the healing grace
Sweet music, and your secret heart
Both have the healing grace
So, again, a change, it comes
Our world desires a way
Touch a child, who's lost, afraid,
It lifts you to true emotion
True feelings, be the light
All that is good in this life
Is good, good is good
Oh everlasting dream, Oh future come alive
To witness comes that time
I just can't help but believe in life,
All in all I just can't help but believe there is a way
For us to give, A way for us to live
A way for us, A way for us



















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Jon and Vangelis - Polonaise
Video with lyrics
Free for the Earth man
Free for the millions
If you just take my sense of freedom
If you just take away my home
You can't ever hope to win me
This I'll tell you for sure
There is strength in the common people
For the people is all we really are
Young and old, the wisest and the lowly
Each indeed is 'Holy' in the 'Light of Love'
When the 'Word' comes
I will be waiting
Like the dove that shines he prays for peace
Some have waited what seems a lifetime
Some are waiting now to be released
For the moment we have this freedom
We will choose the way our hearts will move
All the people lost will find their way
Give that chance today
Hear and I will pray
No not for nothing hearts will not be broken
As long as we are open
Our hearts will make us free
Free for the Earth man
Free for the millions
In the 'Glory' all will come to 'Truth'
No aggression, that we leave behind us
To be replaced
By 'You'
For tomorrow another morning
For tomorrow another day
In our children there's that sense of freedom
Help them use it wisely
I will pray



















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Vangelis announces a musical project around the "Hopes" project.





Mise à jour 2022
Le projet avec Vangelis est toujours d’actualité, mais le projet Juno dans lequel Vangelis était engagé, ainsi que la pandémie ont obligé à repousser à une date ultérieure cette collaboration



Update 2022
The project with Vangelis is still ongoing, but the Juno project in which Vangelis was involved, as well as the pandemic, have forced to postpone this collaboration to a later date.



















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  • 3 tygodnie później...

The National Day of Greece is one of the two national holidays of the Hellenic Republic.


The celebrations take place on March 25, commemorating the country's declaration of independence.


It was proclaimed on March 25, 1821 by the Hellenic separatists, meeting in the Senate in Kalamata.


This day is highly symbolic since it is the day of the Annunciation, oh so important for Greek society where Orthodoxy plays a preeminent role.


March 25 is a public holiday.






La fête nationale de la Grèce est l'une des deux fêtes nationales de la République hellénique.


Les célébrations ont lieu le 25 mars, commémorant la déclaration d'indépendance du pays.


Celle-ci fut proclamée le 25 mars 1821 par les indépendantistes hellènes, réunis en Sénat à Kalamata.


Ce jour est hautement symbolique puisqu'il s'agit du jour de l'Annonciation, ô combien important pour la société grecque où l'orthodoxie joue un rôle prééminent.


Le 25 mars est un jour férié.


















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At the Olympia Paris - Στην Ολυμπία (Παρίσι, 25 Φεβρουαρίου 1974)- Εντυπωσιακός Βαγγέλης.


Μόνο μια λέξη αρκεί για να περιγράψει την παράσταση που έδωσε ο Βαγγέλης Παπαθανασίου στις 25 Φεβρουαρίου στην Ολυμπία: Μια #υπερπαραγωγή!




At the Olympia (Paris, February 25, 1974)- Impressive Vangelis !


Just one word is sufficient to describe the show that Vangelis Papathanassiou gave the 25th of February at the Olympia: A #superproduction!






















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In a rare interview, legendary composer #Vangelis shares his thoughts on the role of synthesizers in music — including his beloved #YamahaCs80.



#Vangelis #composer #musician #legendary #electronic #synth #synthesizers #synthstagram #synths #eurorack #synthlove




By Marc Hairapetian & Rob Waters


Published June 2020


In a rare interview, legendary composer Vangelis shares his thoughts on the role of synthesizers in music — including his beloved Yamaha CS80.

"As I cannot release what I feel — as I have to pass through the customs of the music industry — there is a vast amount of music that I composed that has never had the chance to see the light of day," reveals Vangelis.

"Not all my works have had the same exposure, due to the fact that the majority of them have not been tied to a movie, so they didn't have the chance to be heard widely.

"We all know that record companies never spend the right amount of effort and funds to promote these works to the public properly.

They prefer the easy way: for another media like a movie to do the job for them.

Therefore, our discussion is limited, because what is known to you and to the public represents a fraction of my works."

It's a tantalising prospect for fans of the Greek composer, who revolutionised the movie soundtrack with his scores to films such as Chariots Of Fire and Blade Runner.

Equally tantalising for us was the chance to talk to Vangelis, who rarely speaks to the press, about his work.

This brief conversation was conducted over email, in English.

Worlds Collide


For many people, the most distinctive thing about the music that Vangelis is known for is its prominent and skilful use of synthesizers.

For the man himself, however, the distinction between electronic and acoustic instruments is an unhelpful and meaningless one.

"I have repeatedly said that I don't find any difference between what we call acoustic and the electronic instruments.

I have the impression that there has been a kind of misconception about the difference between these two categories.

For instruments that came before synthesizers to produce a sound they need bowing, like the violin and other strings, or they need plucking like the guitar or the harp, or they need blowing like the trumpets and trombones, and finally, hitting, like percussion and the piano.

They need these to imitate and cover what is given by nature, and synthesizers need electricity and generators in order to create the sounds of nature.

"To me, the synthesizers are equally natural instruments.

After all, what is more natural than electricity?

This operation, and the arguments between these two sources of sound, becomes a ridiculous issue.

For instance, I can not see the difference between a bicycle, where you have to pedal to take you from one place to another, and a motorcycle which does the same thing and uses other power like gasoline.

"Although I'm saying this, I can tell you that there is one difference.

This difference is the playability, which is the ability given by the instrument to allow human expression.

This is a very important factor for an instrument, and it is something that always existed for acoustic instruments, since the beginning of their existence.

But we must not forget that the synthesizers are extremely young.

In the few years of their existence, and because of the narrow-mindedness of the designers and the constructors of synthesizers, they never paid attention to this important factor of expression.

This was sometimes due to technical difficulties and sometimes due to negligence.

"But this is getting better and better. In order to cover the totality of universal sounds you need both approaches.

Soon there won't be any difference between acoustic, as we call them, instruments and electronic instruments — synthesizers — and it will be the end of the quarrel.

"The word 'syntheziser' comes from the Greek word synthesis, which means harmonious coexistence.

This being the case, how would you feel if I call the symphony orchestra the first synthesizer?

That proves the need of people to put all the sounds together simultaneously in order to create colours, a multitude of colours.

If that is not a synthesizer, what is it?"

80 Shades


If there is one instrument with which Vangelis will forever be associated, it's the CS80.

Yamaha's flagship analogue synthesizer was hugely innovative when it appeared in the late '70s and remains the Holy Grail of many vintage synth enthusiasts, not least because its implementation of polyphonic aftertouch permitted expressive playing of a sort not easily achieved on other instruments before or since.

"The CS80 was, and still is — until something new comes along — the instrument which allows you to play and to express yourself.

It has the playability that I mentioned before.

"The CS80 wasn't very commercially successful, for three reasons.

First, it is too heavy to be transported. (I don't consider this as a serious reason.)

Second, it was for the time very expensive, compared to other synthesizers.

And the third and most important reason is that this synthesizer, in order for it to be played correctly, you had to study seriously how to play it.

Exactly like you had to do with any other acoustic instrument.

Unfortunately, it was promoted to the wrong type of musicians, at a period when everybody was trying to find an easy and quick way to extract a sound and not to learn how to do that.

So, it was inevitably not to be successful."

Primary Vibrations


Most great composers undergo formal training from an early age.

Not so Vangelis.

The classic autodidact, he began composing at the age of four, but refused to take piano lessons or to learn to read and write notation.

It is clear that he still regards music as something primal or instinctual that is easily choked by rules and conventions.

"Since my early days, I always felt that music cannot be taught.

Not so long ago, I read a quote from Claude Debussy, this divine composer, where he was saying exactly the same thing.

I'm sure around the world there are many that think the same way — without of course dismissing all the others who spent years and years studying in music schools."

Vangelis' most recent album is called Nocturne: The Piano Album and, as the title suggests, features the composer playing works on the piano, albeit with considerable use of reverb and other effects.

"This instrument took three centuries to reach the point where we call it 'the piano'; actually, the real name is the pianoforte.

And although, as a polyphonic instrument, it helps the composer, it is one of the most difficult instruments for expression, as the playability factor of the piano is far less than other acoustic instruments such as the violin, flute and so on."

For Vangelis, the creative process of composition is a mystical and spiritual one.

He depends on spontaneity and inspiration, and sees careful planning as the antithesis of this.

"I prefer not to plan because, even though it seems practical, it kills the spontaneity.

If every time I ask myself 'why this?' and 'why that?'

I will never be free and spontaneous.

Every time, the music leads me to use what she needs.

Is there anything more mystic than the primary vibration, aka The Music?"

He judges the artistic success of his projects in similar broad-brush terms.

Asked about the "icy" music he created for the 1983 Japanese movie Nankyoku Monogatari, which portrayed the lives of self-reliant sled dogs in the Antarctic, he replies: "You mentioned the word 'icy' — and this is a compliment for me, because this is the first element that I tried to achieve with this score.

For you to mention that means that I succeeded."

Some of Vangelis's projects have drawn on his Greek heritage, most recently his score for the ballet The Thread.

"The Thread is a dance production inspired by Greek traditional music and dances.

It's a new way to approach something that has existed since the beginning of times.

It's like an excavation to the past and at the same time an excavation to the future."

Ultimately, however, Vangelis sees music as a very basic force that transcends cultures and civilisations.

"We are always trying to divide music in different styles, ethnicities and so on.

To me, music is one.

Therefore, there are no boundaries or any other major divisions.

The relation between music and humans is like communicating vessels.

And it works like Catch-22: I mean like a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions

Deep down, music as the major force of the universe does that.

I enjoy all kinds of expressions when they are sincere to the universe, and therefore to the people.

When a melody is born, it doesn't need anything to prove itself."



















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