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🎟️ Event - SOS-Save our Souls-Benefiz-Matinée SOS MEDITERRANEE 🎟️
Erlebe die einzigartige Musik von Andreas Vollenweider bei der grossen Benefiz-Matinee „Save our Souls“ von SOS MEDITERRANEE.
Unterstütze die Seenotrettung und besuch uns am
👉 10. Dezember um 11:00 im Schauspielhaus Zürich, Zürich.
Deine Teilnahme rettet Menschenleben im Mittelmeer.
Auf der Bühne erwarten dich weitere grossartige Künstler und namhafte Persönlichkeiten wie Michael Elsener, Roger de Weck, Caroline Abu Sa‘da und viele mehr.
Sichere dir ein Ticket und erlebe einen Anlass voller Emotionen, Comedy und Musik: https://www.schauspielhaus.ch/.../sos-save-our-souls/28249
🎟️ Event - SOS-Save our Soul-Benefiz-Matinée SOS MEDITERRANEE 🎟️
Enjoy the unique music of Andreas Vollenweider at the big benefit matinee "Save our Souls" by SOS MEDITERRANEE.
Support the sea rescue and visit us on
👉December 10 at 11:00 at the Schauspielhaus Zurich.
Your participation saves lives in the Mediterranean.
Other great artists and well-known personalities such as Michael Elsener Roger de Weck, Caroline Abu Sa'da and many more await you on stage.
Get your ticket and experience an event full of emotion, comedy and music.

Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/andreasvollenweiderandfriends

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Gredig direkt
mit Andreas Vollenweider
21.12.2023, 22:25 - 23:05
Info / Dok
«Wir Menschen laufen im Standgas», sagt der erfolgreichste Harfenspieler der Welt, Andreas Vollenweider.
Zum Jahresende spricht der Musiker mit Urs Gredig über Musik, Erfolg und das Potenzial des Klangs.
Der einzige Schweizer Grammy - Gewinner ist überzeugt, dass die Menschheit zu viel mehr fähig ist und die Musik - und Klangwelt dabei eine wichtige Rolle spielen könnte.
Was genau anklingt, in den Menschen, wenn Andreas Vollenweider in die Saiten seiner Harfe greift, bleibt ein Geheimnis.
Sicher ist, dass seine Musik weltweit Hunderttausende in ihren Bann zieht.
In Südafrika wurde sie zu einem Symbol der Hoffnung während des Apartheid-Regimes und seit neuestem hilft sie frühgeborenen Babys entspannter ins Leben zu starten.
Bei «Gredig direkt» erzählt Andreas Vollenweider, was es damit auf sich hat und warum sich der einstige Schulverweigerer plötzlich in der Welt der Forschung und Wissenschaft bewegt.
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We are excited to offer you a very special musical treat for these contemplative days.
Excerpt from one of the rare concerts of Andreas Vollenweider and Friends.
People from all over the world gathered on October 8 & 9, 2023 at the KKL in Lucerne, Switzerland, to be part of this truly memorable experience.
✨"Uthando" – A song that celebrates the power of all-encompassing love✨
In the Zulu language of South Africa, "Uthando" is the word for love in its thousand forms.
"Uthando" refers to the force that makes all existence come into being, grow, blossom, and fade, and that should always guide us in all our thinking, feeling, and acting.
The full concert (approx. 90 minutes) will be ready for you on our "Andreas Vollenweider and Friends Digital Stage" from 29 December 2023:


Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/andreasvollenweiderandfriends

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The full concert is now available on the «Andreas Vollenweider and Friends Digital Stage»:
Only a few days after Andreas' 70th birthday, Andreas Vollenweider & Friends played at the KKL in Lucerne, Switzerland.
Besides the music from the new album «SlowFlow & Dancer», many of the legendary songs were performed in a new guise: touching, intimate, emotional, reconciliatory, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirringly virtuosic, calming and powerful at the same time.
Andreas Vollenweider, harps/flutes/vocals
Walter Keiser, drums/percussion
Isabel Gehweiler, cello
Daniel Kueffer, sax/clarinets/flutes/keyboards
Sorin Spasinovici, viola/accordeon/keyboards


Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/andreasvollenweiderandfriends

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Concert 11 October 2024: Another journey to the Caverna Magica


These sounds of hope and confidence have never been more important




The legendary album "Caverna Magica" from 1983 forms the framework of the current programme, which will be complemented by the most significant songs from all of Vollenweider's works.

Once again, the excellent musicians will unleash the magic of this music: touching, intimate, emotional, peaceful, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirringly virtuosic, soothing and powerful at the same time... 


The interest of our listeners was overwhelming when, after more than ten years without public appearances, concerts finally took place again, starting in the summer 2022.


It motivated people in large numbers to make the effort to travel from all corners of the globe to the Vollenweider concerts, once again on 8 and 9 October 2023 at the KKL Lucerne.


See an excerpt here.




But what is it about Andreas Vollenweider's music that touches the hearts of millions around the globe, maintaining its profound significance for over four decades?


In a world that has seen countless changes throughout all these years, his music remains a steadfast beacon of hope and confidence, which is especially needed in our turbulent times.


The legendary album "Caverna Magica" from 1983 forms the framework of the current programme, which will be complemented by the most significant songs from all of Vollenweider's works.


Once again, the excellent musicians will unleash the magic of this music: touching, intimate, emotional, peaceful, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirringly virtuosic, soothing and powerful at the same time... 


Immersing ourselves in this unique world of sound rekindles positive energy and motivation.


And this is precisely what Andreas Vollenweider and his music became world-famous for.


Andreas Vollenweider: harps, gu-cheng, ethnic winds, voice
Walter Keiser: drums, percussion, programming, sound FX
Daniel Kueffer: wind instruments, percussion, keyboards, accordion, voice
Isabel Gehweiler: cello, voice, keyboards, percussion
Oliver Keller: guitars and other stringed instruments of all kinds


Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/

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Show confirmed: Amsterdam – The Netherlands, October 19th, Royal Theater Carré


After 30 years, Andreas and his friends are returning to Amsterdam.

"CAVERNA MAGICA 2024" – the legendary music is returning to the stage

"CAVERNA MAGICA" was Andreas' enigmatic album, which took the world by storm in the early eighties. It forms the framework of the current program, which will be complemented by the key songs from all of Vollenweider's works. 

These excellent musicians will unleash the magic of this music:

Andreas Vollenweider: harps, gu-cheng, ethnic winds, voice
Walter Keiser: drums, percussion, programming, sound FX
Daniel Kueffer: wind instruments, percussion, keyboards, accordion, voice
Isabel Gehweiler: cello, voice, keyboards, percussion
Oliver Keller: guitars and other stringed instruments of all kinds

On a historical note: It was in 1983 when Andreas and his Friends introduced their music for the first time on Dutch television on "Sonja’s Good News Show". Already during the performance, the telephone system of the TV station collapsed due to the many people calling in to ask what that music was. Many unforgettable concerts followed this event in the Netherlands, some at the iconic Royal Theatre "Carré".




Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/

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Shows confirmed: Three concerts in Poland in October


After 14 years, Andreas and his friends are returning to Poland with three concerts in October 2024.

"CAVERNA MAGICA 2024" – the legendary music is returning to the stage

"CAVERNA MAGICA" was Andreas' enigmatic album, which took the world by storm in the early eighties. It forms the framework of the current program, which will be complemented by the key songs from all of Vollenweider's works. 

These excellent musicians will unleash the magic of this music:

Andreas Vollenweider: harps, gu-cheng, ethnic winds, voice
Walter Keiser: drums, percussion, programming, sound FX
Daniel Kueffer: wind instruments, percussion, keyboards, accordion, voice
Isabel Gehweiler: cello, voice, keyboards, percussion
Oliver Keller: guitars and other stringed instruments of all kinds

Since the first visit in 1993, a very special bond between Polish music lovers and Andreas' music has grown. Multiple performances at the Warsaw Congress Center, including large Symphonic projects, open-air concerts, and tours from Gdynia to Przemysl and back.

This years' concerts will take place in:


Bielsko-Biala - Poland, October 21, Cavatina Hall 



Warsaw - Poland, October 23 & 24, Stodola Concert Hall



Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/

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Andreas Vollenweider & Friends 2024

Live in Switzerland,
The Netherlands & Poland



The legendary music is returning to the stage

"CAVERNA MAGICA" was Andreas’ enigmatic album, which took the world by storm in the early eighties.

It forms the framework of the current program, which will be complemented by the key songs from all of Vollenweider's works. 

These excellent musicians will unleash the magic of this music: 

Andreas Vollenweider: harps, gu-cheng, ethnic winds, voice
Walter Keiser: drums, percussion, programming, sound FX
Daniel Kueffer: wind instruments, percussion, keyboards, accordion, voice
Isabel Gehweiler: cello, voice, keyboards, percussion
Oliver Keller: guitars and other stringed instruments of all kinds

Shows confirmed to date. More to come...

11 October 2024 (sold out)
12 October 2024

The magical cave at the birthplace of this music.

Zürich – Switzerland, Theater 11

Tickets Ticketcorner
19 October 2024

After 30 years, Andreas and his friends are returning to

Amsterdam – The Netherlands, Royal Theater Carré

On a historical note: It was in 1983 when Andreas and his Friends introduced their music for the first time on Dutch television on "Sonja’s Good News Show". Already during the performance, the telephone system of the TV station collapsed due to the many people calling in to ask what that music was. Many unforgettable concerts followed this event in the Netherlands, some at the iconic Royal Theatre "Carré".
Tickets Ticketmaster
21 October 2024

Revisiting Poland after 14 years

Bielsko-Biala – Poland, Cavatina Hall

Since the first visit in 1993, a very special bond between Polish music lovers and Andreas’ music has grown. Multiple performances at the Warsaw Congress Center, including large Symphonic projects, open-air concerts, and tours from Gdynia to Przemysl and back.
Tickets Ticketclub
23 & 24 October 2024

Revisiting Poland after 14 years

Warsaw – Poland, Stodola Concert Hall

Since the first visit in 1993, a very special bond between Polish music lovers and Andreas’ music has grown. Multiple performances at the Warsaw Congress Center, including large Symphonic projects, open-air concerts, and tours from Gdynia to Przemysl and back.
Tickets Bileteria
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20 września 2024 r. ukaże się nowy album CD/DVD

Andreas Vollenweider & Friends 

Live At Rockpalast 1982 




Spis utworów:

  1. High Above
  2. Montrööt 
  3. Vergeletto 
  4. Micro Macro 
  5. 2 für 3 
  6. Skin And Skin
  7. Lion And Sheep 
  8. Pyramid 
  9. Behind the Gardens, Behind the Wall, Under the Tree...
  10. Rilaex 

Label: MiG Music



Unique live concert by the then 29-year-old Andreas Vollenweider, recorded by WDR at the Loreley Open Air Festival on August 29, 1982.

Andreas Vollenweider climbed the Lorelei rock.


Not to enjoy the beautiful view of the river Rhine and not to be seduced by Lore Lay, the enchantress, whose beauty, according to the legend, would inevitably have led to his death.


Rather, he wanted to give a breathtaking concert with his 'Friends' (Walter Keiser - drums, percussions and Pedro Haldemann - percussions) on the evening of August 29, 1982 on the stage of the beautiful open-air theater.


By the way: Achim Reichel was also there that day, as well as the British reggae stars UB 40.


In 1982, the extraordinary career of the then 28-year-old Andreas Vollenweider was just beginning.


A year earlier he had released his album 'Behind The Gardens - Behind The Wall - Under The Tree'.


A mega-success, worldwide.


With his unmistakable, unique style, his very colorful, dynamic music, also characterized by the variety of exotic timbres, Vollenweider inspired an audience of millions in a short time.


Together with his fellow musicians, he succeeds in creating this magic at the Lorelei Rock and captivating the audience with his music.


The legendary Lore Lay could lean back, her magic skills were not needed.


That was done by master of ceremonies Vollenweider himself, together with his two 'assistants': they (musically) enchanted the audience.


A small novelty: For whatever reason, this Rockpalast was never broadcast.


So, it's all the more gratifying that it's now available, in excellent audio and video quality.


Unique live concert by the then 29-year-old Andreas Vollenweider, recorded by WDR at the Loreley Open Air Festival on August 29, 1982.

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On September 20th we will release Andreas Vollenweider & Friends - Live At Rockpalast 1982 on CD/DVD, Vinyl and digital.


The concert was recorded during the Loreley Open Air, but for some reason never broadcast.


We can't wait for everybody to see this!


Preorder your copy here: https://avaf.bfan.link/rockpalast1982


Żródło: https://www.facebook.com/migmusic.de

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Andreas Vollenweider - Montrööt (Live At Rockpalast 1982) (Loreley Open Air)


Andreas Vollenweider climbed the Lorelei rock.


Not to enjoy the beautiful view of the river Rhine and not to be seduced by Lore Lay, the enchantress, whose beauty, according to the legend, would inevitably have led to his death.


Rather, he wanted to give a breathtaking concert with his "Friends" (Walter Keiser - drums, percussions and Pedro Haldemann - percussions) on the evening of August 29, 1982 on the stage of the beautiful open-air theater.


By the way: Achim Reichel was also there that day, as well as the British reggae stars UB 40.


In 1982, the extraordinary career of the then 28-year-old Andreas Vollenweider was just beginning.


A year earlier he had released his album "Behind The Gardens - Behind The Wall - Under The Tree".


A mega-success, worldwide.


With his unmistakable, unique style, his very colorful, dynamic music, also characterized by the variety of exotic timbres, Vollenweider inspired an audience of millions in a short time.


Together with his fellow musicians, he succeeds in creating this magic at the Lorelei Rock and captivating the audience with his music.


The legendary Lore Lay could lean back, her magic skills were not needed.


That was done by master of ceremonies Vollenweider himself, together with his two "assistants": they (musically) enchanted the audience.


A small novelty: For whatever reason, this Rockpalast was never broadcast.


So, it's all the more gratifying that it's now available, in excellent audio and video quality.


Unique live concert by the then 28-year-old Andreas Vollenweider, recorded by WDR at the Loreley Open Air Festival on August 29, 1982.



Andreas Vollenweider Online:

Website: https://www.vollenweider.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andreasvolle...

Instagram: / andreasvollenweiderandfriends  

YouTube: / andreasvollenweiderfriends  


MIG music online:

Website: http://www.mig-music.de/

Facebook:  / migmusic.de  

Instagram:  / migmusicde  

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New album: Live At Rockpalast 1982


On 20 September, the time has come: ‘Live At Rockpalast 1982’, another album by Andreas Vollenweider & Friends, will be released.


The recordings of the legendary 1982 concert on the Loreley are available on CD and DVD.




Andreas on the album's history:

"It is with great joy that we discovered that even after more than 40 years, our music still has many friends all over the world.


And that's something you can't take for granted!


That’s really special!


I mean... in the meantime, I have become an enthusiastic grandfather...


And to show you, where we're coming from, a new live album and video will be released in September, a concert recorded in 1982.


It was our first really big concert at the Rockpalast Festival, on the Loreley, in the amphitheatre high above the river Rhine.


We really were like children, quite cheeky... almost imPERtinent - I had only played the harp for about three years, the most.


But Walter, Pedro and I almost exploded with the joy of playing and these sparks obviously jumped straight to the audience.


It was the time of the beginning of more than 40 years of a breathtakingly wonderful adventure on the wings of this music.


18 albums and countless tours around the world followed.


Żródło: https://www.vollenweider.com/

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A personal message of Andreas to the new album ‘Live At Rockpalast 1982’ and the upcoming concerts in October. 



Dear friends of our music

We are very pleased to inform you of some of our current activities.
A very special new live album with video will be released on September 20, 2024. 


It was recorded at our first big concert on August 29, 1982 at the 'Rockpalast Festival' on the Loreley, high above the Rhine, in Goarshausen, Germany.
It was the beginning of 40 years of incredible adventures.


Andreas says: "It all happened in a dreamlike flow.


We were cheeky and wild! Everything was completely new for me and my friends, Walter Keiser and Pedro Haldemann.


I had discovered the harp barely three years earlier, and I often wondered whether it was actually me playing it or whether it was playing me... it felt like we had found each other, and that feels today more than ever!"

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Live At Rockpalast 1982 – Trailer



Relive the magic of a legendary concert!


🎸 The new album 'Live at Rockpalast 1982' by Andreas Vollenweider & Friends will be available from September 20th!


Memories of the first big concert at the Rockpalast Festival with a unique and unforgettable live atmosphere. 🔥🎶


Pre-order CD & DVD: https://tinyurl.com/w7t8s3m2


More information: https://www.vollenweider.com/news/new...

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Live At Rockpalast 1982 

✨ Relive the magic of a legendary concert! 🎸 


The new album 'Live At Rockpalast 1982' by Andreas Vollenweider & Friends is now available!


Memories of the first big concert at the Rockpalast Festival with a unique and unforgettable live atmosphere. 🔥🎶

Buy and stream here
Orders from Switzerland: Galaxus
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Dziś swoje 71. urodziny obchodzi Andreas Vollenweider





Andreas Vollenweider (ur. 4 października 1953 w Zurychu) – szwajcarski muzyk, kompozytor i multiinstrumentalista.

Jego utwory są uznawane za różne rodzaje muzyki w tym world music, jazz, new age czy nawet muzykę poważną; dwa z jego albumów zajmowały pierwsze miejsce na liście Billboard równocześnie w kategoriach utworów poważnych, jazzowych i muzyki pop.

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Newsletter 16.10.2024




Enjoy the concert in full length

The new album ‘Live At Rockpalast 1982’ was released recently and made it straight into the top 100 of the German album charts. 

Now another highlight is following: the historic concert can be seen in the full length on the ‘Andreas Vollenweider and Friends Digital Stage’ 

The legendary event on the Lorelei, high above the river Rhine, was one of the first big concerts of the three friends and the beginning of an incredible adventure.

Don't miss it – or experience it all over again...
Watch now

The new album

‘Live At Rockpalast 1982’ is available in stores everywhere as a CD+DVD and on all streaming platforms. 
Listen now
Excerpts from the sold-out concerts in Zurich, Switzerland, this past weekend.

We are looking forward to the upcoming concerts in the Netherlands and Poland

19 October 2024 (sold out)

After 30 years, Andreas and his friends are returning to

Amsterdam – The Netherlands, Royal Theater Carré (sold out)

21 October 2024 (sold out)

Revisiting Poland after 14 years

Bielsko-Biala – Poland, Cavatina Hall (sold out)

23 & 24 October 2024

Revisiting Poland after 14 years

Warsaw – Poland, Stodola Concert Hall

Tickets Bileteria
We will let you know when we and where we continue next year...
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Our last concert for this year is the 1982 Rockpalast show by none other than Andreas Vollenweider!
This recording shows the young Vollenweider showcasing his unique style of music on the stage of the beautiful Loreley open-air theater at the edges of the river Rhine.
We wish you all a great Christmas time, happy holidays, and a great start to the new year.
We will be back in January!
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