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«70 Years Forevernow» Live Concert at the KKL Luzern 2023
«70 Years Forevernow» Live Concert at the KKL Luzern 2023
Only a few days after Andreas' 70th birthday, Andreas Vollenweider & Friends will perform at the KKL Luzern (Lucerne, Switzerland) on 8 October 2023.
Besides the music from the new album «SlowFlow & Dancer», many of the legendary songs will be experienced in a new guise: touching, intimate, emotional, reconciliatory, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirringly virtuosic, calming, and powerful at the same time.
But it is also always an invitation to take an inward journey, to pause and reflect in order to gather new strength.
- Andreas Vollenweider, harps/flutes/vocals
- Walter Keiser, drums/percussion
- Isabel Gehweiler, cello
- Daniel Küffer, sax/clarinets/flutes/keyboards
- Sorin Spasinovici, viola/accordion/keyboards
Concert tickets are available as of Friday, 28 October, 2022:




















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Discover the two chapters of the new album from the man with the harp


Chapter 1: SlowFlow - A musical walk in the park...
Chapter 2: Dancer - Celebrating the joy of movement...
This music comes at just the right time, when we are all under pressure and have many difficulties to cope with...
For this album Adreas Vollenweider was working with British producer Andy Wright (Eurhytmics, Simply Red, Jeff Beck, Simple Minds, Sinead O'Connor, among others).
Recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.
October 28, 2022, «SlowFlow & Dancer» will be released worldwide on all digital formats as well as CDs and vinyl.



















Żródło: https://www.facebook...eiderandfriends

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The new album «SlowFlow & Dancer» ist out now and available here:
«My heartfelt thanks to the many friends who have contributed their talents, passion and enthusiasm to this musical adventure.
They all showed an enormous patience, waiting these many years until this music finally has begun the journey to our listeners...» – Andreas Vollenweider



















Żródło: https://www.facebook...eiderandfriends

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The new album «SlowFlow & Dancer» has entered the Billboard Charts in the Classical Crossover category at position 8.


A special honor for a very special album.


Thank you for the enormous support we receive from all over the world.























Żródło: https://www.facebook...eiderandfriends

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The new album "SlowFlow & Dancer" is a great success.


Andreas sends his sincerest thanks to you.




















Żródło: https://www.facebook...eiderandfriends

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A hymn to the NOW!



«We all mostly live and think either in the past or in the future.

The song 'Forevernow' wants to remind us, that it is the NOW that creates the forever, the future.

And only the NOW is the moment we can take action...»

At the end of the year Andreas treats us again with a micro-concert live from his home.

This time he is going to play the song «Forevernow» from his new album «SlowFlow & Dancer».

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  • 4 miesiące temu...
Andreas Vollenweider & Friends
Live in Concert with «Forevernow»
11 October 2023, Lichtburg Essen (Germany)
Besides the music from the new album «SlowFlow & Dancer», many of the legendary songs will be experienced in a new guise: touching, intimate, emotional, reconciliatory, fascinatingly unusual, from feather-light to stirringly virtuosic, calming, and powerful at the same time.
But it is also always an invitation to take an inward journey, to pause and reflect in order to gather new strength.



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Andreas Vollenweider & Friends
Live in Concert with «Forevernow»
27 July 2023, Hotel Reine Victoria (Switzerland)


Kurz vor seinem 70. Geburtstag gastiert der Harfen-Prophet Andreas Vollenweider mit dem Jubiläumsprogramm «Forevernow» in St. Moritz.
Vollenweider mag das AHV-Alter bereits überschritten haben, doch in seinem Herzen ist er ein neugieriges Kind geblieben.
Ein Kind, das sich unermüdlich der Verzauberung der Welt widmet.
Zum Zwecke der Verzauberung hat Vollenweider nicht nur ein eigenes Instrument geschaffen (mit einer normalen Harfe hat sein edles Instrument nicht viel zu tun!), sondern auch ein eigenes musikalisches Genre.

Von der «New York Times» folgendermassen beschrieben: «Vollenweiders Musik ist wie die Volksmusik eines geheimnisvollen Stammes eines unbekannten Landes auf einem noch nicht entdeckten Kontinent.»
Andreas Vollenweider, harps/flutes/vocals
Walter Keiser, drums/percussion
Isabel Gehweiler, cello
Daniel Kueffer, sax/clarinets/flutes/keyboards
Sorin Spasinovici, viola/accordeon/keyboards
Oliver Keller, guitars




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On October 4, Andreas Vollenweider celebrates his 70th birthday! With his Friends, he will review more than 40 years of his amazing musical path with the programme «Forevernow».

Andreas Vollenweider & Friends will start this years concert activities in Switzerland in July at the Festival da Jazz in St. Moritz, followed by two concerts in October at the spectacular «KKL Luzern» (Kultur- und Kongresszentrum in Lucerne, Switzerland) and a few days later on the historic stage of the «Lichtburg» in Essen (Germany).

More concerts are being planned and will be announced soon.

Andreas Vollenweider – harp, vocals, gu-cheng, flutes
Walter Keiser – drums, percussion
Isabel Gehweiler – cello, vocals
Daniel Küffer – wind instruments, keyboards
Sorin Spasinovici – viola, accordion, keyboards
Oliver Keller – guitars

Learn more


Festival da Jazz St. Moritz (CH)

Not long before his 70th birthday, Andreas Vollenweider & Friends will play «Forevernow» at the 16th edition of the Festival da Jazz in St. Moritz. As in 2021, the concert will take place in a more intimate setting on the stage of the art nouveau hotel «Reine Victoria».
Tickets Ticketino


KKL Luzern (CH) 

The concert on October 8 is completely sold out! Only a few tickets are still available for the additional concert on 9 October. «Living power of imagination!» probably best describes the unique experience.
Tickets Ticketcorner


Lichtburg Essen (Germany)

Some of the music from the new album «SlowFlow & Dancer», will be introduced live for the first time, but also many of the legendary songs of 40 years will also certainly be enchanting the audience once again. A special experience in the «most beautiful film palace in Germany».
Tickets Bonnticket

New on the Digital Stage

Montreux Jazz Festival 1993 «Eolian Minstrel»
Another historic concert by Andreas Vollenweider & Friends is available on Digital Stage: «Eolian Minstrel» at the Montreux Jazz Festival in July 1993. But this time the music was a bit different, more «rocking», with vocals and lyrics and electric guitars...
Watch Concert


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Have you discovered it yet?
A new video from the vast concert archive is available on the Andreas Vollenweider and Friends Digital Stage: «Eolian Minstrel» at the Montreux Jazz Festival 1993. But the Eolian Minstrel music was a bit different, more «rocking,» with vocals and lyrics and electric guitars.
The protagonists were Eliza Gilkyson, Walter Keiser, Eberhard
Hahn, Marc Portmann, and Chris Wiesendanger.
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Just before his 70th birthday, the harp prophet Andreas Vollenweider will visit St. Moritz with his anniversary program "Forevernow".



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@andreasvollenweiderandfriends music comes with a message.
The search for a better world, for solutions and peace.
He touches the bottom of our feelings and makes us feel better.
His music resonates all over the world and yesterday's concert ended in a standing ovation.
Thank you, Andreas!
📷 @henryschulzphoto
@festivaldajazz @hotelreinevictoria @stmoritz @jaguarswitzerland



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Andreas Vollenweider & Friends at the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Festival 2023 in Johannesburg, South Africa
ANDREAS VOLLENWEIDER and FRIENDS feat Ayanda Nhlangothi- Vusi Nhlapo- Vuyo Tshuma on Vocals:
"Living force of imagination!" probably best describes what concertgoers will experience when Andreas Vollenweider, shortly before he turns 70, lets loose with his Friends at the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz festival.
Forget everything you ever thought about harp music!
Vollenweider has created his own instrument, his own style, his own distinctive musical universe, the music world agrees.
He will be accompanied by Ayanda Nhlangothi, Vusi Nhlapo, and Vuyo Tshuma on vocals to create a magical musical experience.






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We are looking forward to coming back to South Africa, the second home of our music.
See you there on September 29 and 30.



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Dziś swoje 70. urodziny obchodzi Andreas Vollenweider



Andreas Vollenweider (ur. 4 października 1953 w Zurychu) – szwajcarski muzyk, kompozytor i multiinstrumentalista.

Jego utwory są uznawane za różne rodzaje muzyki w tym world music, jazz, new age czy nawet muzykę poważną; dwa z jego albumów zajmowały pierwsze miejsce na liście Billboard równocześnie w kategoriach utworów poważnych, jazzowych i muzyki pop.

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A portrait of Andreas in the Swiss National Television


On the occasion of his 70th birthday, the news broadcast "10vor10" of the Swiss national television SRF featured a report about Andreas.


As part of the "70 Years Forevernow" concerts in the sold-out KKL in Lucerne, Switzerland, on October 8 and 9, SRF showed a portrait of the life and work of Andreas.

He was accompanied on location in Lucerne as well as a few days earlier at his concerts in South Africa (the contribution is in German).


#andreasvollenweider #andreasvollenweiderandfriends #SRF #10vor10 #kklluzern


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